Unlimited time, no beep call recorder for incoming and outgoing calls.
The caps, which will be enforced as of July 1, top out at 0.49 euros ($0.59) per minute for an outgoing call and 0.24 euros ($0.29) for incoming calls, with both data and messaging also having limits.
这项漫游费封顶政策将自今年7月1日起开始实施,实施后的漫游封顶费用为呼出漫游0.49欧元每分钟,接听漫游0.24欧元每分钟,另外这项政 策还对短信和数据流量的漫游封顶费用进行了限定。
When I call the voicemail system, it usually plays my "outgoing message," the message people hear when they call me.
When I call the voicemail system, it usually plays my "outgoing message," the message people hear when they call me.