Half of those already able to work outside the office admitted to putting in two or three extra hours a day.
The Times for office hours are posted outside the Programme office, 9c106.
Answer: If you have five hours a week to work on your business outside of your day job, save your PowerPoint skills for the office.
Besides, it's pretty hard to meet people outside of the office when we spend long hours here.
Until VFS opened its Mumbai office, applicants had to queue for an average of five hours in the sweltering heat outside the American consulate.
The main auditorium, as well as the private dining room can be rented out outside the office hours.
Working hours: Irregular, may be required to work outside normal office hours, on Sundays or public holidays.
If you have to pretend like your life outside your 10 hours at the office doesn't exist, you're going to be miserable in the long run.
May be required to work outdoor and outside normal office hours, including Sundays and Public Holidays.
However, the burden will be on you to approach them - often during office hours outside of class time.
I focus on my work at the office so that I can do it fast, and then I can have my own time outside working hours.
But here's the truth (that I know you know) : We all have 24 hours in a day -it's up to you how you prioritize your time outside the office.
Slumped in chairs or out smoking on the street outside the office, travelers swapped tales of being stuck in the airport for 23 hours or ending up in a cockroach-infested hotel.
Slumped in chairs or out smoking on the street outside the office, travelers swapped tales of being stuck in the airport for 23 hours or ending up in a cockroach-infested hotel.