And the more outstanding question of that is to realize the integration of financial and business information.
Beyond this week's political and military maneuvers, the outstanding question is: Who will bail out the Ukrainian economy?
That still leaves one outstanding thorny question: whether the modern trend to stick private Banks together with riskier investment Banks and hedge funds still makes sense.
So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes it to his heart, no question asked.
With the increase of the span, a lot of questions are following, among them the security question is particularly outstanding.
Especially with the popularization of the TV and rise of Internet, the environmental question of the pseudo is more and more outstanding, drawing people's extensive concern too.
Question: in 2004 on the outstanding units of housing provident fund to pay what the new policy?
Disjunctive question sentences are used to reply the emotion taking a stand or choice of the author mainly, the meaning is succinct and the emotion is outstanding.
The yes-no question is an important type of the interrogative sentence in modern Chinese, and massive outstanding achievements related to this have emerged.
The yes-no question is an important type of the interrogative sentence in modern Chinese, massive outstanding achievements correlating with this have emerged up until now.
Without doubt one of the best prospects Sweden have produced in a long time and whilst some question his move to Twente - it could be an outstanding stepping stone for him.
Without doubt one of the best prospects Sweden have produced in a long time and whilst some question his move to Twente - it could be an outstanding stepping stone for him.