Obviously, any child who receives dedicated teaching over an extended period is likely to improve.
Other mechanisms would be more likely to have taken place more gradually, over an extended period, or at different times on different continents.
We set up a separate reliability test was to observe the server over an extended period of time.
The nervous system senses continued pressure and pumps out stress hormones over an extended period.
Because it slowly dissociates from the albumin, it is available to the body over an extended period.
Samples are collected over an extended period of time to provide a batch sample of a specific time frame.
As noted above, it is very difficult to be successful at short-term market timing over an extended period of time.
This pattern has been deployed in a variety of scenarios in a traditional and non-SOA context over an extended period of time.
这种模式部署到各种传统的和非SOA 上下文的场景中已有相当长的时间了。
But the Malthusians might retort that man's famed ingenuity has not stopped prices from rising in real terms over an extended period.
Many times we don't even realize we're being strongly affected because influences generally develop over an extended period of time.
The pumps are optimized to provide high efficiency operation over an extended period of time thus reducing operating and maintenance costs.
Senior officials are inclined to complete the planned purchase programme, tapering it over an extended period to avoid a disruptive sudden stop.
If we are able to develop loving kindness AD compassion over an extended period of time then it will be of great benefit to oneself and others.
Inverse ETFs offer a way for investors to bet on a fall in an asset class but they may not always deliver such a return over an extended period.
Because the number of deaths fluctuates from day to day, death rates should be calculated over an extended period, ranging from 1 week to 1 month.
The Activity trends feature lets you analyze "historical" server data, to help spot trends that can only be identified over an extended period of time.
Drugs were infused directly into the tumors over an extended period of time, using specially-designed miniature osmotic pumps and a very small burr hole in the skull.
Energy drinks contain complex carbohydrates - a blend of slow -, medium - and fast-acting sugars - and are able to supply energy to the body over an extended period of time.
Even a single drought can cut growth potential by 10 percent over an extended period, and historical levels of variability appear to diminish growth potential by over one-third.
Aerobic exercise, a method of conditioning the cardiorespiratory system by using a variety of activities that create an increased demand of oxygen over an extended period of life.
When measuring your own production server using just CPU and transactions, be sure to exercise caution, because these Numbers can be misleading over an extended time period.
Because sun breaks down its effectiveness over time, if you're going to be in direct sunlight for an extended period, reapply every hour or two.
Over the years, waves of farmers have surged into the towns and cities, some seasonally, some for an extended period of time.
Bankers attending the meeting were divided over whether creditors would accept a payoff on reduced terms, or agree to refinance Dubai World's obligations for an extended period.
To become an Essene there was a period of preparation and purification that extended over three years.
To become an Essene there was a period of preparation and purification that extended over three years.