But she's not coming back, I know she isn't, she would rather walk barefoot over glass than have to see me again.
Inside, a wall-mounted zebra head watches over glass cabinets stuffed with old books, seashells and the skull of a baboon.
To make the illusion, thin layer of water (only 10 cm deep) was suspended over glass. Below the glass, there is an empty room that visitors can enter.
"It will soon be over, father," John said cheerily, and then in rushed Wendy with the medicine in a glass.
He took out a currycomb and worked over them till they shone like glass.
Fruit-trees were trained flat against the wall, and over some of the beds there were glass frames.
She looked at him over the rim of her glass.
He looked at them over the rim of his glass.
Eight monumental curving staircases of granite with over 4000 individually cast bronze balusters are capped by for skylight domes and two stained glass rotundas.
As I was running off the stage, I accidentally knocked over a glass of grape juice that was on a table.
If the glass were kept hot enough, it would flow over the molten tin until the top surface was also flat, horizontal and perfectly parallel to the bottom surface.
All the cups over there are made of glass except the green one.
Douzhir is actually what's left over for making green bean amylum or glass noodles.
Over the last few years, glass fibers have gotten clearer, lasers are faster and cheaper, and processors have become many orders of magnitude more capable and available.
When the video was over, half of each group was given a glass of lemonade with sugar in it and half was given a glass of lemonade with sugar substitute.
Visitors can watch researchers at work behind glass and even ask questions over an intercom, treating them rather like the specimens they are working on.
You’ll find yourself on a floor of glass, suspended over the sidewalk a quarter-mile below.
Hanging above these glass cases are specimens that the museum has collected over the years, all stuffed and mounted for easy viewing.
Let the graphics and ICONS simplify life's complexities.Let your fingers flow over the glass instead of peck at it.
Let the graphics and ICONS simplify life's complexities. Let your fingers flow over the glass instead of peck at it.
Even the modern approach, in which the subject's finger is rolled over a glass plate for scanning, often requires several attempts per finger to get a usable print.
As though a rupture in the glass enclosure over their little world would leave those brave voyagers starved and gasping.
Kao, 75, pioneered the art of sending information down pure glass fibres at the speed of light and over distances of thousands of miles.
The situation: Over a glass of pinot with your BFFs, girl talk suddenly turns into a competition of who hates their body more.
This takes a little while to switch all of your plastic storage containers over to ceramic, glass or stainless steel but its definitely worthwhile.
There were screams and panic as people poured over several fallen shoppers, security guards, and broken glass.
How about a night in a charming converted windmill on the island of Milos, watching the sunset over the sea, with a glass of retsina in hand and a plate of olives on the table?
But ensure you add it a drop at a time through a sugar cube on a spoon placed over the glass of absinthe.
But ensure you add it a drop at a time through a sugar cube on a spoon placed over the glass of absinthe.