All over the cloud, the number of ice crystals multiplies - and soon the whole cloud might be ice.
So far, the ash has only deferred some small domestic flights; larger planes are able to fly over the cloud.
Although the wind was still howling, the couple could hear airplanes flying somewhere over the cloud cover-one every 50 minutes or so.
When applications and infrastructure are delivered over the cloud, where do the business models of system integrators, ecosystem partners, and IT professionals go?
In it, a colored cloud is used to indicate the old process model version and a pop-up message box over the cloud shows the migration history of the instance, as shown in Figure 25.
On Wednesday at the SAP SAPPHIRE 2011 conference, SAP announced availability of the High-Performance Analytic Appliance (HANA) software over the cloud in a partnership with Dell and Intel.
在最近举行的SAPSAPPHIRE 2011大会上,SAP发布了高性能分析装置(HANA)软件,将运行在与Dell和Intel合作的云平台上。
The grandfather stood and watched her till a cloud flew over the moon and left everything in total darkness.
The weather forecast says it will cloud over by mid-afternoon.
The weather forecast says it will cloud-over by mid-afternoon.
The content cloud implements metadata and indexing services over the infrastructure cloud to provide abstracted data management for all content.
Now, he must defeat Rio De Janeiro’s violent crime, which residents call the biggest cloud over their city’s postcard-perfect bid.
This highly oblique view also highlights two distinct cloud patterns over the Calabrian interior.
The 'roll cloud' was photographed over las Olas Beach in Maldonado, Uruguay.
The claim that removing the legal cloud over foreclosure would help the housing market - in particular, that it would help support housing prices - leaves me scratching my head.
From the beginning, the cloud hanging over the whole hydrogen enterprise has not been the power source as such, but the intractable difficulty of distributing and storing the stuff.
But why would you willingly relinquish control over your resources and allow them to virtually exist in the cloud?
In Oslo, callers were on the phone to the State Institute for Radiation Hygiene afternews reports told of an invisible radioactive cloud over the most denselypopulated part of Norway.
Another key feature of cloud storage is geographic distribution of data (geographic scalability), allowing the data to be nearest the users over a set of cloud storage data centers (via migration).
Zuma's supporters greeted the decision with street celebrations saying he could now assume the nation's highest office without the cloud of suspicion over his head.
We will run posts over the next few weeks to explore how the cloud is redefining e-commerce.
Similarly, the company is still building up its cloud computing services and over the past year it added 17 new fulfillment centers.
Since the organization has some controls over the hardware, they are able to negotiate with the cloud service provider on the terms set in the threshold policy.
The full image of your production server can be copied over or migrated to the alternate cloud.
If this sort of clarity prevails, it would be a silver lining on the dark cloud that now looms over the poor.
However, one of the key elements of Cloud Foundry is the abstraction it provides over such infrastructure.
Using the Lasso Tool (l) with a feather of 50px to make a natural cloud shape over the two planets.
Skies over the Middle East were clear, providing a cloud-free view of Arabian Peninsula and the mountains of Iran and Pakistan.
Finer-grained control over the various resources making up the cloud gives a company all available configuration options.
Finer-grained control over the various resources making up the cloud gives a company all available configuration options.