The right of lease for the owner of copyright is not an exception to the theory of "exhaustion of rights".
The article says the subject of the Rental right of Works should contain the owner of copyright and neighboring right.
Under some special cases, Using other's works without paying and being allowed by the owner of copyright are permitted by law, which is regarded as fair use in area of copyright intellectual property.
Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.
The software so modified may not, however, be provided to the third party without the license of the software copyright owner, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract.
We can follow the ways of the right to use to protect the legal rights of the copyright owner of the project blue print.
Software copyright owner shall mean the natural person, legal person or other organization that shall enjoy copyright in the software under the provisions of this Regulation.
The basic method of digital watermark is the copyright owner inserts own copyright information into the product, the inserting information is literal showing, special indication or image form.
A producer of video recordings who, for the production of a video recording, exploits a work created by others shall obtain permission from, and pay remuneration to, the copyright owner.
Some courts tend to protect the rights of copyright owner determine Networks infringement, but some courts under the "Have rules" determine the video-sharing site no responsibility.
Generally, the design institute shall be the copyright owner of architectural design works, and the construction company might be the cooperator in producing the architectural design works.
In organizing a performance, the organizer shall acquire the license of the copyright owner and pay compensation thereto.
The system of collective administration of copyright and neighboring right is an significant measures to safeguard and implement the rights of copyright owner and neighboring right owner.
To reproduce, wholly or partly, the software of the copyright owner;
The second use of licensing is in patent, copyright and trademark cases whereby authority (in the form of a license) is granted by the owner to another party to make, reproduce, buy or sell the item.
A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
The private right and exclusive nature of copyright determines that the core of copyright law is to protect the interests of copyright owner.
The Copyright owner reserves the right to revise this manual and make changes from time to time in its contents without notifying any person of such revision or changes.
A producer of sound recordings who, for the production of a sound recording, exploits an unpublished work created by others shall obtain permission from, and pay remuneration to, the copyright owner.
A Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.
If the book publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stocks of the book are exhausted the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.
The copyright owner gives no warranties and makes no representations about the contents of this manual and specifically disclaims warranties of merchantability of fitness for any purpose.
No Text or pictures may be reprinted or utilized in any form of by any means without written permission from the relevant copyright owner. All rights reserved.
The determination of the damage caused by copyright infringement should be based not only upon the illegal income but also the level of damage of the market share of the copyright owner.
While no conflict results when the copyright owner and the portrait right owner of the same portrait are the same person, a conflict erupts when they are different persons.
While no conflict results when the copyright owner and the portrait right owner of the same portrait are the same person, a conflict erupts when they are different persons.