Such high levels suggest the brains of autistic children are exposed to a lot of oxidative stress, something that would probably cause cumulative damage.
So future therapies might have to strike a balance between promoting and suppressing oxidative stress.
He had a profound loss of energy in his cells (particularly his brain cells), and indicators of severe oxidative stress.
The oxidative characteristics and/or metabolites of BHA and BHT may contribute to carcinogenicity or tumorigenicity; however the same reactions may combat oxidative stress.
Now research in honeybees offers evidence that learning ability is indeed linked with a general capacity to withstand one of the rigors of aging-namely, oxidative stress.
Cigarette smoking can increase the risk of cataracts by putting oxidative stress on the lens of the eye.
Dr. Robertson is researching a molecule called antioxidants which might protect cells against damage from oxidative stress.
There is also an association between emotional stress and oxidative stress, which means that the GHOSTS blaming their grey hairs on stress might have a point。
另外,情绪压力与氧化应激之间也有一定的关联。 因此,GHOSTS一族将他们头上早生的白发归结为压力导致是有一定道理的。
Robertson: Oxidative stress is an accumulation of molecules that comes about because of chemical reactions, or stuff we ingest, things that get in our body.
Most available evidence points to the opposite conclusion, that antioxidants benefit health by reducing oxidative stress, he said.
Oxidative stress leads to retinal diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma.
The study, carried out by Italian and Spanish researchers, showed that strawberries boost red blood cells' response to oxidative stress, an imbalance that is associated with various diseases.
由意大利和西班牙科学家们进行的这项研究显示,草莓能增强血红细胞的抗氧化应激能力。 氧化应激失调与多种疾病相关。
"Oxidative stress can also cause arteries to constrict by destroying nitric oxide," Prof Griffith warned.
Indeed, Chandel suspects that the beneficial effects of limited alcohol consumption come not from antioxidants in red wine but from the mild oxidative stress the alcohol provides.
Carnitine has been proposed as a treatment for many conditions because it helps reduce oxidative stress.
A third hypothesis suggests that chronic long-lasting mild cerebrovascular damage, including inflammatory processes and oxidative stress, may cause Alzheimer's disease.
第三个假设认为,长期的慢性轻微脑血管损伤,例如发炎和氧化压力(oxidative stress),可能会导致老年痴呆症。
A new study suggests certain types of sugars found in milk may increase inflammation and oxidative stress, which can damage body cells.
I believe they can prevent permanent damage caused by free radicals (oxidative stress) and increase the possibilities of a good recovery in the future.
An overview on the development of oxidative stress and damage from the free radicals, and the defenses systems for antioxidation.
The poor response to vasopressor might be due to excessive oxidative stress and vascular calcification.
oxidative stress in general and neurodegenerative disease in particular has been suspected for a long time.
Recently, oxidative stress has been implicated as one of the mechanisms whereby bactericidal antibiotics kill bacteria.
Our studies provide further evidence for links between oxidative stress, inflammatory processes and common human diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
To study the effects of trichloroethylene on DNA damage in rat hepatocytes and oxidative stress in rat liver tissue.
Free radicals contribute to oxidative stress, which, over time, can cause inflammation and other unhealthy changes in your cells.
Iron and copper increase oxidative stress (free radical damage), which is a major problem in CFIDS.
This work demonstrates the role of OxLDL in the expression of the OPN gene and further highlights the role of oxidative stress in the regulation of this cytokine.
This work demonstrates the role of OxLDL in the expression of the OPN gene and further highlights the role of oxidative stress in the regulation of this cytokine.