Performing perfectly on the piano hinges on a long-term, painstaking and correct training and the continual accumulation of technology.
Taking more than two hundred poetic verses as examples, the author makes a careful and painstaking analysis to illustrate that ambiguity is a powerful representation.
A painstaking analysis of more than 400 brain tissue samples has bolstered the link between Parkinson's disease and the loss of cellular powerhouses called mitochondria.
In fact, acquiring the exact meaning of number words is a painstaking process that takes children years.
Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.
Henry learned the hard way what a slow, painstaking business it was to build an engine by hand from scratch.
Making this transformation - and it is a transformation - requires painstaking work and it takes time.
But both the painstaking process of moving the data and the sheer number of volumes is making the fix a very lengthy process.
But now it has become a painstaking effort to write a blueprint for women's health.
Finding even one requires a painstaking search of Stardust's particle trap using a microscope.
A few weeks of summer turmoil should not undo years of painstaking regulatory work.
"Fantastic Mr. Fox" was made using stop-motion animation, a painstaking process involving handmade models.
Like a monk who found God by doing his menial chores with painstaking care, Allen has found meaning in the dullest tasks of our busy lives.
Nothing doing, David James apart, if he's willing to shift his Chopper collection and begin a painstaking search for a visually-impaired Bolton barber.
Laurionite and phosgenite didn't occur naturally in and around Egypt, but ancient recipes showed that laurionite was synthesised by painstaking procedures, of which phosgenite was a by-product.
The so-called "Redlove" may look like a tomato, but it acturally is the world's first red-fleshed apple, the result of 20 years of painstaking work by Markus Kobert, a Swiss fruit grower.
Doctors have cautiously hailed the painstaking surgery a success.
In the study of the day, we every bit of harvest pervaded with a teacher's painstaking care.
You could subscribe to newspapers and magazines on the first Kindle, but the experience was awful, requiring painstaking manipulation of a weird scroll bar to find the article you wanted.
Applying for a logo for your application has historically been a somewhat painstaking process - it's involved spending money on submitting the application for manual testing.
We also write several tools used in actual film production to automate a lot of the painstaking tasks we're required to do, and then take them a step further to create our film effects for us.
In the drawing, the runner is running with painstaking effort around the track of a playground, sweat pouring down his face.
The transformation of a backward country into an advanced country requires the painstaking efforts of several generations.
Each service of company is coagulate Do-hope's painstaking effort and have a nicer public praise at home and abroad.
The two sides have been in painstaking talks to reunite the island, and the republic, which belongs to the European Union, has requested official status for Turkish as a gesture to the north.
The two sides have been in painstaking talks to reunite the island, and the republic, which belongs to the European Union, has requested official status for Turkish as a gesture to the north.