In the study of the day, we every bit of harvest pervaded with a teacher's painstaking care.
He ate the fish raw, masticating with painstaking care, for the eating was an act of pure reason.
This work is the author congeals with more than 30 years painstaking care, during has filled the penetrating thought, the flash wisdom.
Like a monk who found God by doing his menial chores with painstaking care, Allen has found meaning in the dullest tasks of our busy lives.
I ripped out my flowering plants and in their flowerpots I planted tomatoes, lentils, and other vegetables, which I tend with loving and painstaking care.
Each knife produced should be the result of painstaking care and attention to detail, a unique piece of work, which provokes emotions to the eye and to the touch.
Each knife produced should be the result of painstaking care and attention to detail, a unique piece of work, which provokes emotions to the eye and to the touch.