We never tested XP, but I think we have cherry-picked some parts of it - like pair-programming.
But is the problem with the student's lack of technical knowledge or a problem with pair-programming?
One of the first assignments I give the students in software engineering is to write a simple program, but to work in pairs (i.e., try pair-programming).
One of the clichés of pair programming is that if you're doing this method right, your screen should be covered with greasy finger-marks by the end of the day.
We should therefore expect more accurate estimates of time and difficulty by a pair programming team than from a solo programming team.
My own experience as a developer using pair programming is that it isn't just a technique where one person programs and the other person watches.
In some companies and on some projects pair programming will increase productivity. While on other projects there will be no benefits or even degradation.
Pair programming naturally involves being open with colleagues, sharing domain knowledge, and being prepared to explain your approach.
Of all the reasons programmers might give for why they think pair programming is stupid, the scariest one is that they're afraid.
Pair programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation.
They have moved to short iterations, regression test suites, and pair programming.
The process portion gets into philosophies on testing, problem solving, and pair programming, among other topics.
XP as a discipline assumes a team is using all of the practices all of the time, but a team can pick a few practices and use them successfully (such as refactoring or pair programming).
An overly assertive developer can also throw off a pair programming session.
XP encompasses concepts such as short iterations, pair programming, and test before coding.
When pair programming, your false starts and early mistakes are visible to others.
For example, pair programming is often a tough sell, but greater teamwork or mentoring aren't.
Many developers struggle with pair programming, not because they don't know how to code, but because programming in pairs is such an unfamiliar way of working.
He mentioned that right from pair programming to releasing the software early and often, there is enough feedback built into the entire process.
For teams using pair programming: we recommend large (23 inch) flatscreen monitors, connected to the docking stations.
Peer pressure not to slip into bad practices is a clearly identified benefit of effective pair programming.
The majority of them really like pair programming and say they plan to continue using it whenever possible.
One developer wrote in his blog that pair programming forces developers to show the real state of their knowledge and skills.
Before this, Laurie Williams' work on measuring the effectiveness of pair programming was about the only research we had seen on agile methods.
XtremeConnect - a virtual pairing technique that allows for remote pair programming via Skype and TightVNC.
X tremeConnect——一种虚拟的结对技术,可以通过Skype和TightVNC进行远程结对编程。
XP practices for programmers (such as pair programming) and for business people (such as story telling) require a different way of thinking to work well.
针对程序员的XP实践(如结对编程,pair programming)和针对业务人员的XP实践(如告知详情)需要不同的思路,以便更好地工作。
If you absolutely hate the practice (and most programmers either love or hate the "controversial" practices, like pair programming), vent if you must, but get over it.
Small teams with less formal communication and more informal communication (15-minute stand-up morning meetings and more pair programming)
小团队,较少的正式沟通和更多的非正式沟通(15 分钟的站立早会,更多的配对编程)
Small teams with less formal communication and more informal communication (15-minute stand-up morning meetings and more pair programming)
小团队,较少的正式沟通和更多的非正式沟通(15 分钟的站立早会,更多的配对编程)