We know, the formation of any athletic skill, need to have the excited process of pallium.
For example, the bird's seat of intelligence or its higher brain is now termed the pallium.
Generally speaking, pallium cent remembers an area for the cortex such as vision, hearing, taste, smell.
The pharmacological function of nacrum secreted by cultured pallium cells of a freshwater oyster was examined.
The cells stained with haematoxylin and eosin displayed typical tardus neuron cellular necrosis in pallium and hippocampal CA1.
Moreover, the cells in the primordial piriform area were more closely distributed than those in the primordial hippocampus or the primordial pallium.
Odour material action at smell cell, generation nerve impulse is conducted via olfactory nerve, reach the smell center of pallium finally, form smell.
As a result this gene is mixed in new student and grown bandicoot there is taller expression in the pallium of small rat and spinal cord, expression is spent in having in lung.
We also found the regeneration of myocytes in the pallium. CONCLUSION: G-CSF treatment protected the ischemic myocardium and it may be used to treat the acute myocardial infarction.
We also found the regeneration of myocytes in the pallium. CONCLUSION: G-CSF treatment protected the ischemic myocardium and it may be used to treat the acute myocardial infarction.