The main circuit includes parallel fixed compensating capacitor, variable compensating inductor and IGBT, etc.
Based on the analysis of benchmark voltage circuit design, the zero drift in dynamic condition is solved by increasing capacitance of the parallel capacitor or the power supply.
A fluid level sensor comprises a parallel plate capacitor coupled to an integrated circuit located in the bottom of an oil pan or other receptacle in which fluid level is being sensed.
Specifically, in a parallel-plate capacitor, the circuit is composed of two conductive surfaces with an insulator (glass) between them.
The utility model comprises a force-doubling capacitor which is connected with the motor starting circuit of a paper breaker in parallel.
The high-pressure power supply device employs a parallel resonant topology structured circuit, and a resonant capacitor is in primary and parallel connection with a transformer.
The high-pressure power supply device employs a parallel resonant topology structured circuit, and a resonant capacitor is in primary and parallel connection with a transformer.