The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel.
Parallel rails had long been used in mining operations to move bigger loads, but horses were still the primary source of power.
The notion of parallel worlds is inherent in your work, with dual story strands and different incarnations of certain characters.
The damage to American craftsmanship seems to parallel the steep slide in manufacturing employment.
Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation.
At that time, his virtuosity on the trumpet had no parallel in jazz.
Do the emotions develop in parallel with the intellect?
The parallel and redundancy are implemented by using data communication method in emergency shutdown for enhancing the reliability of the system.
While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so.
The uniqueness in the architecture style of the tower makes it have no parallel in the world.
Whereas in mammals the tiny tubes that convey nutrients to bone cells are arrayed in parallel lines, in birds the tubes form a random pattern.
Students studying for a particular degree will take a series of lecture courses which run in parallel at a fixed time in each week and may last one academic term or the whole year.
This is an achievement without parallel in modern times.
In Arab countries, the politeness and generosity of the people is without parallel.
On the other hand, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.
Robots are not sequential systems, but rather they are highly parallel in nature.
RUNSTATS does not run in parallel in a partitioned database, but information is determined for one partition, and then extrapolated to determine a suitable estimate for all partitions.
Using horizontal segmentation, the various components involved are often developed in parallel, in different countries, only to be assembled at a later date.
A modeling file is worked on in parallel in the development streams of multiple practitioners.
Remember, this is all asynchronous from the render process of WebSphere Portal, which is started in parallel in step 5.
请记住,这与WebSpherePortal的呈现过程是完全异步的,WebSphere Portal的呈现过程在步骤5中并行启动。
I'll demonstrate how to develop in parallel in SVN by covering.
Ability to run the old version and new version in parallel. In-flight instances continue using old version; new instances use the new version.
He suggests that researchers should instead think of processes working in parallel, in a complex network with interactions happening continually.
This concept has a parallel in Nichiren Buddhism in which a person is sometimes envisioned as having two selves, the smaller self and the larger self.
The final class in the Misc package addresses the Dock Menu, a component that only exists in Macs and has no parallel in Windows or Linux systems.
Misc包中的最后一个类解决了停靠菜单(Dock Menu),这个组件只在Macs 中存在,在Windows或Linux系统中没有对应的组件。
OK,so this guy,so that's a piece of what's called a parallel in geography That's a circle that goes east-west.
The case has a parallel in that of Jared Lee Loughner, a gunman who allegedly killed six people in Tucson on January 8th and injured 13 more, including the congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
Performance is enhanced by allowing the CPU to move on to other tasks while data copying procedds in parallel in another part of the machine .
让CPU 不参与数据拷贝工作而去处理其他的任务的同时,将数据拷贝任务在CPU 的其他区域与CPU并行工作来极大地提升性能。
Performance is enhanced by allowing the CPU to move on to other tasks while data copying procedds in parallel in another part of the machine .
让CPU 不参与数据拷贝工作而去处理其他的任务的同时,将数据拷贝任务在CPU 的其他区域与CPU并行工作来极大地提升性能。