He and I resemble parallel line.
The Earth is round, but we walk actually on the parallel line which two cannot intersect cannot surmount.
Said here refers to the zigzag stone and placed into a parallel line, rather than the cross placed write na.
Compared with scanning along straight line, more smooth and round corner can be achieved by using parallel line method.
In the meanwhile it is pointed out that the quantity change of the parallel line and zero-sequence impedance must be retested.
This method can be used to specify the cross-phase fault and single line fault of the parallel line as well as cross-pole fault.
According to the characters of the target in the image, the specified parallel line has been detected to get the equation of the axes.
If you're drawing a grid (of thumbnails, for instance), draw all parallel lines first as a series of long dashes to help keep line lengths and angles consistent.
In this paper analyses the fundamental method for count the locus parameter and error of approximate parallel line segment on the gear and five link mechanism.
The talk show program I like, best is called International Parallel Line. On this program some Chinese people and foreigners are invited to have a conversation.
A new type of broadband printed twin dipole antenna is proposed in this paper. Corresponding feed structure of broadside coupled parallel line is also designed.
Then there's always the stress that somebody who joins a parallel line next to you can get their burgers and fries before you, and that adds to the stress of the day.
They continue to manipulate various factors, such as concentration and frequency, vainly trying to draw a parallel line between the animals and humans when there isn't one.
Traveling wave dispersion in the parallel line is more complex than that in the single line and is an important reason why the fault location error is large for traveling wave method.
Reflection can be reduced, even dispelled, through some proper measures of receiving termination while crosstalk can be mitigated via some measures, such as shortening the length of parallel line, in…
Stand side-on to a bench with your closest hand and knee on the bench, back parallel to the floor (neck in line) and a dumbbell in your other hand, arm hanging straight down.
Well, that's because my line is perpendicular to the normal vectors, so it's parallel to the planes it's parallel to all the planes Now, why is it in the planes instead of parallel to them?
In the development environment the developers will use either the standard parallel development paradigm that UCM provides (or the serial line development model).
And, these coefficients here correspond to a vector parallel to the line.
If the two level curves are tangent to each other that means they have the same tangent line. That means that the normal vectors should be parallel. Let me maybe draw a picture here.
So, indeed our line could have been parallel to the plane or maybe even contained in the plane.
OK, so that's what would tell you that the line is actually parallel to the plane.
Draw a line at 80% on Y-axis parallel to X-axis.
However, in line with the modest capabilities of the iMic, our target for this series is to work with two parallel (stereo) 44.1khz 16-bit data streams, implying an audio bandwidth of 22.05khz.
然而,为了让iMic具有适度的性能,我们在本系列文章中的目标是处理两个并行的(立体声)44.1kHz的16位数据流,这就意味着要实现22.05 kHz的音频带宽。
And, the special case is if this coefficient of t turns out to be zero in the end, and that's actually going to happen, exactly when the line is either parallel or in the plane.
So, at some point we saw other subtle things about how to find the direction of this line that's parallel to all the planes.
The impact of warming can be seen on a road that runs parallel to the line for much of its length.
The impact of warming can be seen on a road that runs parallel to the line for much of its length.