Use a parser generator framework (for example, ANTLR).
When working with a parser generator like Coco, it's important to understand the basic concepts.
You don't need anything as complicated as an automated parser generator to do most simple, everyday parsing tasks.
Ruby already ships with a parser generator called RACC, a version of YACC (which is used to build ruby_parser, the first ruby parser written in ruby).
ruby已经有了一个叫做RACC的解析器生成器,是一个YACC的移植版本(被用来编写ruby _ parser,第一个用ruby写成的ruby解析器)。
A compiler, of course, needs a way to parse the input language, and so the XRuby team created their own Ruby parser using the popular ANTLR parser generator.
Or you could implement this in your basic parser and generator, making the whole thing only work in MVC projects.
The script engine has some components, include symbol table, lexical analyzer, parser, semantic checker, intermediate code generator, optimizer, code generator, virtual machine.
The script engine has some components, include symbol table, lexical analyzer, parser, semantic checker, intermediate code generator, optimizer, code generator, virtual machine.