Hindu married women wear Sindoor (vermilion power) on their forehead and this practice is common in many parts of India and Nepal.
Tyne and Wear in the north of England was one of the first parts of the UK to weaponize classical music.
Still other sensors (in smart cars) will track and record the wear on parts and systems, alerting the driver to potential trouble, and will even flash warning when pressure in the tires is too low.
High output power of the engine caused by high load, excessive wear in the course of time will form parts.
Loose hole plating chromic layer by weight used in the sliding friction parts and heat resistance, corrosion, wear parts, such as internal combustion engine cylinder lumen, piston rings.
In addition, it should be considered for cutlery, needle valves, ball check valves, valve seats, pump parts, ball studs, bushings, and wear-resistant textile components.
Mechanical seal: seal face, gasket and shaft seal, etc parts must be undamaged, otherwise will result in over leakage, sure to change parts with wear and tear or damage.
A desktop that appears to be in good working condition still has too many moving parts, including hard drives and fans, that are subject to wear and tear.
In the lyrical parts I might wear a suit and there'll be flowery shirts as well.
The test results show that the wear of the pump in a hydraulic system mainly depends on the relation between the size of abrasive particles and the dynamic clearance dimension of the key moving parts.
It can be widely used in the design of wear resistance of gear drive's parts.
Especially some Laobiao used for a long time, the parts wear, resulting in travel time is not accurate, serious or even shut down.
In reference to the dialogue and wrestling, body parts can only take a certain amount of pressure before they too will break or wear down completely.
It includes checking the first and last parts in a job run for signs of warpage, flashing, mold wear, and other process maladies.
Coda also points out the lack of need for oil changes, while a reduction in moving parts translates to less wear and tear.
It favours the parts which is used to resisted the abrasive wear in severe impact work.
In this paper, the possibility to diagnose the wear condition of the main moving parts of motorcycle engines is discussed.
Fire gloves should coincide with the cuffs and trousers should be placed in a fire the boot, and boot body form part overlap and rescue should be closely linked to the door all the parts wear.
The wear of the eccentric parts of cone crusher was analyzed in detail, and the ways to improve the design, the use and the maintenance of the eccentric parts were also proposed.
The moving parts adopt the high grade anti-wear materials, durable in use.
Recommend quick-wear parts to customers in order to help customers make good spare parts plan and prepare these parts.
Holding a grudge is like being in an airplane that can never land. It's exhausting, and it can wear out your parts.
The quantity, composition and morphology of debris in machine oils are a reflection of wear modes and degrees of engine parts.
The influences of a large clearence are analyzed to stamping parts, quality of cross section and die wear. A detail measure to improve die life is also discussed in this paper.
Wear-and-tear is one of principal inactive forms of metallurgical spare parts. The laser reinforcing treatment of metallurgical spare parts surface is a new starting process in our country.
Mechanical vibration is widely used in mining, steel, thermal power, cement, refractory and other types of equipment of enterprises of the ceramic wear parts wear serious project.
Timber remains at Wadi Gawasis demonstrate that when ships returned from several months at sea, they were disassembled in the caves, and the parts were inspected for wear and tear.
Timber remains at Wadi Gawasis demonstrate that when ships returned from several months at sea, they were disassembled in the caves, and the parts were inspected for wear and tear.