Another type is named Great Wall Electronic Debit card, which includes a general card based on current account and a pre-made card on the all-in-one passbook account.
Leah Jacobs has just opened a savings account at the First National Bank.She is asking a clerk about the meaning of the rules and regulations printed on her passbook.
Please fill out this lost passbook affidavit and list the code word you used when you opened your account.
C: Yes, I'd be happy to help you.we call our regular savings account plan passbook savings.
An authorization causes the account balance and passbook to be updated.
But if you pull out your passbook to the savings account, then you will politely be told to take the passbook to the bank and get money for it.
All deposits and with-drawals from your account are entered into your passbook.
The total interest earned over the life of the account is also prominently displayed in the passbook.
I suspect, then, that the account and the passbook are the same thing; all that the account does is assign some identifying information to the transaction record.
He kept his coins at home in a drawer, sometimes adding to the $20 his father had given him when he turned six, all recorded in a little 7)maroon passbook—his first bank account.
他把硬币放在家中的一个抽屉里。 他有一个小小的栗色银行存折,那是他的第一个银行账户,里面有20美元——父亲在他6岁时给他的钱,有时他会把硬币存入银行,而每一次存款都记录在这本存折上。
Leah Jacobs has just opened a savings account at the First National Bank. She is asking a clerk about the meaning of the rules and regulations printed on her passbook.
The easiest way to do this is to have the child open his or her own passbook savings account.
With a regular passbook savings account, you would be able to withdraw money whenever you needed it.
All deposits and withdrawals from your account are entered into your passbook.
Open an account in the child's name. Let him have his own passbook and be responsible for it.
Bank statements / passbook showing your name, account no. , and past two months salary record.
Passbook a book issued by a bank to keep record of all transactions on a savings account, such as deposits, withdrawals, and interest earned.
This should take the form of a copy of a bank deposit certificate for the loan and a copy of either the deposit slip or passbook for the account that the loan was paid into.
All deposits and withdrawals form your account are entered into your passbook.
Yes, I'd be happy to help you. We call our regular savings account plan passbook savings.
With a regular passbook saving account, you would be able to withdraw money whenever you need it.
Please show me your passbook. A passbook is a small book recording the amount of money you pay in or take out of a savings account at a bank.
With a regular passbook savings account you have opened in a bank, you will be able to draw money whenever you need it.
With a regular passbook savings account you have opened in a bank, you will be able to draw money whenever you need it.