The rear passenger compartment alone is enough to make experienced cops get teary-eyed.
The workshop is divided into equipment compartment at front, and passenger compartment in the rear.
This paper presents acoustic modes finite element analysis of the automobile passenger compartment.
The passenger compartment remained stable during the impact, showing relatively low levels of intrusion.
The passenger compartment is air-conditioned to provide a suitable environment for the equipment and staffs.
To reduce interior noise of a passenger compartment measures are taken in the propagation route and the accepter.
While passengers make themselves comfortable in the passenger compartment, the work is in full swing in the cockpit.
Vehicles built for use in other countries may have the steering wheel on the right side of the passenger compartment.
The main distribution manifold supplies the passenger compartment overhead distribution system through tow sidewall risers.
Its passenger compartment spans the width of two traffic lanes and sits high above the road surface supported by stilts that allow ordinary cars to pass underneath.
As the air loses some of its heat, the air that comes back out of the fins of the evaporator is cool and that cooled air is then vented into the passenger compartment.
The major systems are: flight compartment lights, passenger compartment lights, exterior lights and emergency lights. In this lesson, we will introduce the flight deck lighting only.
Its passenger compartment spans the width of two traffic lanes and sits high above the road surface, on a pair of fencelike stilts that leave the road clear for ordinary cars to pass underneath.
If all you can see out of the windscreen is ground that's going round and round and all you can hear is commotion coming from the passenger compartment, things are not at all as they should be.
At first, Dooku's ship was envisioned like a limousine, with its pilot in an enclosed compartment separated from its important passenger.
As the refrigerant boils, or turns into vapor, it absorbs heat from the passenger-compartment air flowing over the evaporator fins.
He would place it right beside him, in the small compartment in the passenger side door of the SUV, so he could refer to it often.
The passenger oxygen system can be activated automatically by high cabin altitude (low cabin pressure) or manually from the flight compartment.
The accused passenger turned pale and hastily left the compartment without another word.
Selecting reasonably the size of air conditioning system is very important due to the limit space of installing air conditioning system in passenger car compartment.
Selecting reasonably the size of air conditioning system is very important due to the limit space of installing air conditioning system in passenger car compartment.