If your passport number isn't printed on your Visa Application Form, please try 666666 in the passport No. box to query.
The ticket had a strict no-transfer policy, but since passport information was not required when booking, any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can use it.
I decide instantly that I can't leave the girl, Emily, who is only 20, on her own with no passport and no money.
An Iranian visa is neatly stamped into my passport. There's technically no reason why I shouldn't go there.
Clerk: No problem, the magcard is locked, show me your passport, I will help you out.
No, he has never heard of the old chanson that she is looking for, which begins with the words "Love is a new stamp in a dead man's passport.
But I had to fly from Los Angeles to San Francisco, and I didn't have a single piece of identification-no passport, driver's license, credit card, work I.D., nothing.
But, McClelland said he had no knowledge of reports that the United States has asked Australia to cancel Assange's passport.
Crossing most borders, whether for work or pleasure, no longer requires changing currencies or presenting a passport.
No.. Only a few pounds. But my passport was in the bag. That 'what I'm really worry about.
No organization or individual may forge, tamper with, transfer, intentionally damage or destroy or illegally seize a passport.
No organization or individual may fabricate, alter, transfer, intentionally damage or destroy, or illegally hold or detain any passport.
I am proud to say that when I was awarded the Field's Medal in mathematics, I held no passport of any country and should certainly be considered as Chinese.
The dispatcher notes that no passport is attached to the request, and sends the request to Content Manager.
Dispatcher注意到请求中没有passport并把请求发送给Content Manager。
Clerk: : No problem, the magcard is locked, show me your passport, I will help you out.
No problems. Here's your passport, and here's your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Lu.
No, as long as parents have a passport is the person accompanying the child would have, in Canada, China and consular can be handled.
I have a dream that one day there is no country, no boundary, no passport, no visa.
But the stunned ace got no further than Passport Control because his documents did not come up to scratch.
No, he isn't here. He asked me to accept his parcel. This is my passport and his ID card.
Passport, Driver's License or Social Security no. (Please attach a copy) U. S. clients MUST provide Social Security no.
No passport shall be granted or issued to or verified for any other persons that those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not, to the United States. "."
Passport with validity no less than 6 months and visa for intended destinations.
If the insured letter is lost, you will get the amount of money you insured. if you mail something with no price, say, a passport, you'd better send a recorded letter.
We have paid the air ticket for you, the conductor said, taking your passport and tell the airport staff your FLT No. is ok.
We have paid the air ticket for you, the conductor said, taking your passport and tell the airport staff your FLT No. is ok.