In which country are people advised to pat on the back?
Sometimes, it is not a pat on the back or the promotion that makes it worthwhile.
No one ever says a kind word to them; no one sees how much they need a pat on the back.
That's why I always take time to recommend someone I think deserves a pat on the back .
You can surprise members of your family, which in turn will bring you a pat on the back.
Sometimes, when I am very productive in my job, my employer gives me a pat on the back .
It's nice to get a pat on the back from him and I hope that the promotion does come through.
You deserve a hug, pat on the back, or at least one of those 80’s freeze-frame jumping high fives.
If you've designed the world's most attractive website, you probably deserve a pat on the back.
When someone thanks you for what you did, especially at work, you are getting a pat on the back.
Parents also can smile, nod, wink, pat on the back, or hug a child to show attention and appreciation.
Never once did he hug me, never once a pat on the back or a hand on the shoulder or a tousling of the hair.
In the good old days, a manly handshake and maybe a pat on the back was enough to show the team's satisfaction.
If you dive into situations, seeking a pat on the back a little too often, maybe you've got a praise addiction.
Never once did he hug me, never once a pat on the back or a hand on the shoulder or a 20 tousling of the hair.
A few cheerful words, an encouraging look, and a pat on the back can go a very long way and make a big difference.
Have a piece of chocolate and give yourself a pat on the back. This will encourage you to press on toward the goal!
I have to say that I am very proud of the changes I am making. I really think I deserve a pat on the back for my efforts.
At MOST Banks, tellers who have been particularly helpful to a customer are content with a pat on the back from their manager.
A good hug or a pat on the back from people you care about are one of the best comforts that would get you through rough days.
Whether he comes to you in anger or merely to give you a patronising pat on the back, you are done for, cracked in either case.
Youcan give positive attention by giving rewards, a pat on the back or simplysaying something encouraging when they do something good.
ConocoPhillips' chief deserves a pat on the back for deciding to limit high-cost exploration and put more money in shareholders' hands.
'I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back...'
If you've been working hard, don't be afraid to take a break and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back or to reflect on your goals.
For some salespeople recognition is best delivered as a pat on the back, praise in front of peers, or in the form of formal trophies or awards.
Without an occasional pat on the back, one may easily become discouraged, particularly with routine tasks at and dull household chores at home.
Change agents should be promoted with a pat on the back, the management team needs to be kept well-informed as the change initiative builds momentum.
Change agents should be promoted with a pat on the back, the management team needs to be kept well-informed as the change initiative builds momentum.