Pattern classification is a kind of technology used in a lot of project fields including automatic control monitor, image recognition, troubled diagnose, supplies compound, medical diagnosis, etc.
Advanced algorithms of image processing and pattern recognition are adopted to improve detection rate and classification rate of defects.
Decision tree learning strategy have long been popular in pattern recognition, machine learning, and other disciplines for solving problems concerned with the classification.
The rough set concept can be of some importance, primarily in some branches of artificial intelligence, such as reasoning, automatic classification, pattern recognition, learning algorithms, etc.
Since multiple classifier systems can to some extent improve the performance of classification, the technique has been widely used in various fields of pattern recognition.
According to two dimension classification figure of pattern recognition, catalysts with various activities have been well predicted.
The infrared pattern recognition system consists of image preprocessing, feature extraction and pattern classification.
In this paper we look into the application of moment function and neural network in feature extraction and pattern classification of image recognition respectively.
We have achieved excellent effect in part classification according to the actual conditions of factories, alternately using the method of cluster analysis and pattern recognition technique.
The paper introduces the process of voice pattern recognition, including the method for pre-processing, extraction of feature and classification of pattern.
The computer-aided part classification system based on the pattern recognition can speedily classify parts correctly.
Face recognition normally be regarded as have three processes that are face detection, features extraction and pattern classification.
Classification trees are often used in pattern recognition to speed up the classification.
Part II describes algorithmic aspects of speech recognition systems including pattern classification, search algorithms, stochastic modelling, and language modelling techniques.
Edge detection has been extensively applied in a lot of fields, such as image processing, artificial intelligence, computer recognition, pattern recognition and classification, fault detection etc.
The method realizes classification of fault by near-neighborhood criteria of pattern recognition and cellular ant algorithm.
Randomized tree is a supervised classification algorithm for pattern recognition, which can be effectively used in augmented reality feature recognition and matching.
Since multiple classifier systems(MCS) can improve the performance of classification, the technique has been widely used in various fields of pattern recognition.
Now the computer_based classification techniques' study has been focusing on the statistical pattern recognition and the knowledge_based classification rule.
The paper studies the methods of feature selection in pattern recognition, and USES nearest neighbor classification accuracy as the evaluation criteria for feature selection.
A new approach of classification of short duration power quality disturbances using generalized S-transform and fuzzy pattern recognition is proposed.
The layer recognition in the process of integrated logging interpretation can be regarded as a classification problem based on pattern recognition.
After the pretreatment and features extraction, it is preferred to use methods of pattern recognition for classification and recognition.
We know that this research topic - mental health assessment is essentially a pattern recognition or non-linear classification.
By analysing the relation among object attribute, this paper introduced a classification method based on improved multiple fuzzy pattern recognition.
It has wide range application areas to apply in pattern recognition due to its powerful information process capability, especially in classification problems.
In the paper, firstly, using the classification theory in pattern recognition, approach of multithreshold stone image segmentation based on improved 2D class variance is presented.
The support vector machine (SVM) is a linear classification machine, it is used commonly in the pattern recognition and nonlinear regression.
The support vector machine (SVM) is a linear classification machine, it is used commonly in the pattern recognition and nonlinear regression.