But now insurers are testing pay-for-performance contracts.
Are increases in pay tied to contributions to the company, i.e., pay-for-performance?
Describe open-book management and employee recognition, pay-for-performance, and stock option programs.
No one can say for absolute certainty. That's why pay-for-performance Reporter is a valuable tool for you.
Overture, formerly known as Goto, offer the most popular and useful Pay-For-Performance system on the web today.
Pay-for-performance physician initiative awards were up 25 percent last year, but some doctors are wary of the programs, according to two studies recently released.
Four reviews of research on the subject from the 1980s onwards have all come to the same conclusion: that pay-for-performance can increase productivity dramatically.
Last month the Pentagon announced it would "review" a pay-for-performance system that now covers some 200,000 of its civilian employees, delaying any new entrants to the system.
Pay-For-Performance Reporter will arrive in your email inbox and in print on your desk every month with the latest news and information on physician incentives and key developments.
Conclusion. A pay-for-performance system in the management of spinal disorders should include both process variables that measure safety and outcome variables that reflect the end result of care.
Propose how you can work remotely and offer, if necessary, to take a pay cut for that period (and that period only) if performance isn't up to par upon returning.
When meeting with your manager, make a case for why you deserve a bump in pay, based on your performance, not personal needs.
But the advertisers largely pay us on a performance bases. They're only paying us for particular action or result that they want.
For instance, when a game is directly tied to performance and pay, there is the danger of the game no longer being fun or helpful.
Models can bind to any orm framework you like, but if you don't use one at all, you don't pay a price for using one in terms of memory usage and performance.
Meanwhile, there was a gap of 39% in annual basic pay between women and men - rising to 47% for total earnings taking into account performance-related pay, bonuses and overtime.
GAE offers an option for developers to pay and keep the inactive JVM in memory for more-consistent performance.
To better predict revenue, the company implemented quotas for ad-sales representatives and tied the pay of more employees to performance, these people said.
In these situations, pay for performance can often seem unfair and arbitrary, and the result can demotivate, rather than motivate, employees.
Of firms that link more than half of bosses' pay to performance, for example, 36% report frauds, compared with just 20% of firms that use no such incentives.
High pay can generate ill will and too-high performance expectations — and no patience for your mistakes.
And I dare not even ask for any vacation time, as this would reduce my performance-related pay.
You can have any performance you want, as long as you're willing to pay for it.
This means that you only pay the performance penalty of building an object model for those portions of an XML document which actually need to be accessed through the model.
Lisa Lindsley, director of capital strategies for the American Federation of County, State and Municipal Employees, says the results suggest 'we have a lot of work to do to link pay and performance.'
美国州、县、市劳工联盟(american Federationof State, County and Municipal Employees)的资本策略主管林德赛(LisaLindsley)说,这一结果显示在联系薪酬与业绩方面我们还有许多工作要做。
In July 2009, Mausen sued Koch for severance and performance pay in the Arles Labor Court in southern France.
It will also require that salaries for top executives be tied to the bank's performance while allowing some pay to be confiscated if Banks lose money.
It will also require that salaries for top executives be tied to the bank's performance while allowing some pay to be confiscated if Banks lose money.