Overture, formerly known as Goto, offer the most popular and useful Pay-For-Performance system on the web today.
Last month the Pentagon announced it would "review" a pay-for-performance system that now covers some 200,000 of its civilian employees, delaying any new entrants to the system.
Conclusion. A pay-for-performance system in the management of spinal disorders should include both process variables that measure safety and outcome variables that reflect the end result of care.
Principle 4 — establish a fair or acceptable level of performance for a task, and then develop a pay system that provides a reward for performance above the acceptable level.
原则4 - - -建立一个公平的或可接受的水平,表现为一个任务,然后制定一个支付系统,提供奖励业绩高于可接受的水平。
We analyzed the grassroots performance related pay and its history of salary system reform, then provided Suggestions for building and improving grassroots salary system.
Payment system for public health service includes global budget, fee for service, capitation, salary, performance-related pay, line budget, preventive service account and periodic health visit fee.
Payment system for public health service includes global budget, fee for service, capitation, salary, performance-related pay, line budget, preventive service account and periodic health visit fee.