To know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they say.
With personnel guarantee contract being used generally, people begin to pay regard to the legal problem gradually which the personnel guarantee contract results in.
Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas.
At the moment, this process costs more than ten times as much as conventional mining, but some countries might regard that as a small price to pay for security of supply.
Investors are happy to pay high fees for the skill, but regard the market return as a commodity.
Thus, though I hope I shall always pay due regard to the "Mind of the Church", I insist, too, that my mind is a part of the Mind of the Church, though no doubt not a very important one.
And with regard to absorbing foreign capital, we must pay an attention to protect national culture, and formulate complete measures and make laws for the entry of foreign capital.
Researches in the regard of metaphor at home focus more on its positive functions, while few researchers pay attention to the potential negative influences of metaphorical mappings.
With regard to those who love to surrender, and they are prepared to pay the price.
In the existing incentive scheme, the truth-inducing pay scheme is complex of calculation, regard bargaining which take place in budgeting process as adverse factor and try to get rid of it.
Keimer himself treated me with great civility and apparent regard, and nothing now made me uneasy but my debt to Vernon, which I was yet unable to pay, being hitherto but a poor oeconomist.
We consider it not only possible but necessary to pay due regard to the language peculiarities of the original work and at the same time make the version in the purest possible Chinese.
In the conversation, people generally pay attention to the beginning, everything is hard in the beginning, but to end the conversation, people tend not to regard it as right.
The body can pay a high price for suppression of pain without regard to its basic cause.
Because we can regard objects as entities' representation for computer, we can pay our attention to these entities and construct some computable entities that are as abstract as these entities.
And regard this system as instance of using, is it go on chart of drawing and use and operate some places that should pay attention to of the database with VB language to introduce.
The common practice to make payment is to pay online by credit card. Yes, if you pay by cheques, they will regard your application to be complete only after receiving your money.
The common practice to make payment is to pay online by credit card. Yes, if you pay by cheques, they will regard your application to be complete only after receiving your money.