The law orders us to pay taxes.
One principle of taxation, called the benefits principle, states that people should pay taxes based on the benefits they receive from government services.
Licensed "coffee shops," in turn, have to pay taxes.
It is the duty of citizens to pay taxes in accordance with the law.
Article 28 Public accounting firms shall pay taxes according to law.
Sometimes they must pay taxes, called octroi, even to move goods within a state.
Not if you pay taxes in the United States it doesn't; you already got your discount.
I don't think hedge fund managers should pay taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries.
But the people in the outlying villages and towns and farms and everything would pay taxes.
OK, so we have to pay taxes, we have to take care of our children (hopefully this is a joy), etc.
“We don't pay taxes,” she was said to have told a housekeeper once; “only the little people pay taxes.”
Without such cover, they could not issue receipts, keep books, pay taxes, write contracts, or open bank accounts.
And unlike many other expats, Americans must file a U.S. tax return, even if they pay taxes in their host country.
One of Mr. Watanabe's top aides said. 'one of our biggest social responsibilities is to generate profits and pay taxes.
Taxpayers can also fill out and pay taxes online, saving on average more than 500 hours a year in dealing with paperwork.
If you buy something from the Web site of a company that has physical stores nearby, you'll most likely have to pay taxes.
I think this is true of many benefits. Some companies offer paid gym memberships (though you may have to pay taxes on this).
There is evidence, however, that Castro is persuading at least some black market operators to play by the rules and pay taxes.
He is alleged to have violated ethics rules by, among other things, failing to pay taxes on income earned from his Caribbean villa.
In India just 30m people pay taxes, an indication of the limited number of well-off Indians as well as the inefficiency of the tax system.
We have a model that we value. We are a civilized society. We pay taxes. We take care of your needy. The question is - is this sustainable?
Even if Spanish firms win some big contracts, most of the jobs will go to Americans, not Spaniards, and they will pay taxes in America.
That means the income "passes" straight to shareholders, who then pay taxes on it at their ordinary income rate, thus avoiding the corporate tax.
This is like the Boston tea party for people that decided, let's say, I don't know, two and a half months ago, that they didn't want to pay taxes anymore.
'People who don't pay taxes are scofflaws and when there are too many of them, society has a lot of problems, which is something I've seen often in China.
He thinks tax harmonisation means that European citizens will pay taxes wherever they hold their money, which strips away the advantage of offshore tax havens.
He thinks tax harmonisation means that European citizens will pay taxes wherever they hold their money, which strips away the advantage of offshore tax havens.