We used to pay with cash for everything we bought.
"Thank goodness," returned Mr. Carelton, with a giant grin on his face, "I thought you were going to want me to pay with cash."
Remember that when the carrier arrives, you must be able to pay the charges with cash or a certified cheque.
As the Economist went to press, California's controller was preparing to pay the state's bills with IOUs instead of cash.
Zimbabwean currency was worth so little that some people withdrawing funds from Banks brought suitcases along, in order to be able to walk away with enough cash to pay for ordinary living expenses.
Rio instead raised cash to pay down hefty debts with a rights issue and also announced an iron ore tie-up with BHP (which itself had tried, and failed, to acquire Rio in 2008).
A good plan encompasses overhead expenses (including the owner's potential salary), cash flow (the frequency with which a client is going to pay you) and start-up capital.
With credit abundantly available, getting what you want right away, regardless of whether you have the cash to pay for it, is common practice.
But with many households unable to borrow, others keen to pay down debt and many businesses swimming in cash, lower interest rates are likely to have only a modest effect.
Under new European Union rules, enforceable by national regulators, senior executives' cash bonuses are limited to 20 per cent of total pay, with the rest deferred for as much as five years.
Credit derivatives are soaring in value and payment-in-kind notes (which pay interest with more debt, rather than cash) are in vogue.
They said we should all pay our tax with a smile. I tried - but they wanted cash.
A splendid bookcase goes along with the complete encyclopaedia if you pay cash.
Countries including Spain, Japan and Denmark have taken this to its logical conclusion, with "pay as you go" schemes, under which migrants get cash handouts to return to their countries of origin.
They didn't pay me with cash, instead they gave me a car, ' the shy boy answered.
Note that, with neither of them, does it say you have to pay anything in cash in order to have an expense.
I don't know, you have to contact with your issuing bank or you can pay by cash.
With a dwindling pot of cash, Chrysler is seeking $7 billion in loans to help it pay bills coming due as soon as the first quarter of 2009.
In Italy, it worked with a local delivery company so people wary of goods not arriving could pay in cash upon receipt of their orders.
With the timing value of cash theory, the model supposes that the unlimited net revenue which can be used to pay off the debt increases steadily.
But although it is understood that NESV will pay for the acquisition with cash raised from its own shareholders, Broughton could not confirm whether it would also take on additional debt to do so.
Not a fortune by any means, but with the tough economy, the cash would help pay a few ranch bills.
Contrast this with debt pay outs of 10-15 per cent paid monthly that generate cash flow and a more secure return.
Using the data of 2003 we find that the companies with more accrued tend to pay stock dividends and the companies with better CFO prefer to pay cash dividends.
Using the data of 2003 we find that the companies with more accrued tend to pay stock dividends and the companies with better CFO prefer to pay cash dividends.