There has not been a massive attack yet like those targeting desktop PCs, and that's partly because there are so many different mobile phone operating systems.
It has abandoned its attempts to turn mobile phones into mini-PCs, focusing instead on giving users easy access to social networking, music, video and mobile phone applications.
“Free” music can also be bundled with mobile-phone contracts, broadband service, music-players, PCs or even cars.
QT has got a strong open community in the Internet, on PCs and now in the mobile phone industry - I think we'll hear more from similar umbrella platforms in the future.
QT的互联网平台很强大,专注在PC 应用上,现在也进入了手机领域——我想以后类似的内容丰富的平台会更多。
Nearly everyone has a phone, there are more people that have telephones than have PCs. And this is just one way for us to make people to access their information.
Annual electricity in the world for Internet use is 588 billion kWH for PCs and monitors, 167 billion kWH for modems and routers, 112.5 kWH for data centers and 1 billion kWH for phone networks.
As with the Skype service on PCs, phone calls will be free between Skype users and calls to other landlines and mobiles will cost less than normal network rates.
As with the Skype service on PCs, phone calls will be free between Skype users and calls to other landlines and mobiles will cost less than normal network rates.