Penny pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives.
精打细算的英国消费者会选择Aldi和Lidl 等折扣店的廉价产品,而不是奢侈品。
Women dislike what they perceive to be the men's insecurity, fear of failure, penny pinching, inferiority complexes, and prioritization of his extended family over his own wife and kids.
Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards.
Penny-pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives.
What's more, the penny-pinching has nothing much to do with the fact that Britain is skint.
But Vegas is suffering - visitor Numbers have fallen as penny-pinching gamblers stay away.
Japanese firms have tried to be as penny-pinching on pay in their foreign operations as they have at home.
It's hard to stay upbeat when your penny-pinching bosses are counting paper clips and coffee grains, but here's some good news: workplace discontent may just be a vast, untapped source of creativity.
If you say someone is penny-pinching, you mean that they don't want to spend money on things.
Penny pinching的意思啊,就是说一个人特别小气,不愿意花钱。
Scrooge McDuck, the " penny-pinching poultry" with a fortune in gold coins whose estimated worth is $44.1 billion, headed the list of Forbes' "Fictional 15" wealthiest imaginary characters.
贪婪的老鸭、吸血鬼以及早熟的孩子等虚拟人物纷纷上榜。 “守财奴”史高治•麦克老鸭(译者注:迪斯尼动画中唐老鸭的舅舅)在《福布斯》15位最富有虚拟人物榜中高居榜首,它囤积了估价达441亿美元的金币。
This danger does not justify penny-pinching now: that could merely prompt a bigger collapse in economic activity and even larger deficits.
What that means, however, is taking on the big long-term issues, above all health costs - not grandstanding and penny-pinching over short-term spending to help a distressed economy.
I don't like to spend money on useless things. Some of my friends say I am penny-pinching.
I don't like to spend money on useless things. Some of my friends say I am penny-pinching.