Recent work on the problem of when people first entered the Americas is an example of the value of these new techniques.
When people first saw a corona-virus under a microscope, they found that its spikes made it look like a crown.
Now, again, there's a great debate about when the Clovis people first arrived in the Americas.
BRIN: When people first read about this feature, it sounded alarming, but it isn't.
One answer would be to cut benefits and raise the age at which people first qualify for them.
Identify a group as people you want to work with, not as a target group you want to bring "on side". Treat people as people first.
I can understand that when people first started wearing their trousers like this, people were offended, because they weren't used to it.
They looked at the factors that affected age at which people first became parents up to age 32 years in men as well as women in this older national cohort.
Many people first ventured onto the internet from AOL,CompuServe and Prodigy, which were subscription-based online services that offered e-mail, chatrooms, discussion boards and so on.
Many have assumed that humans ceased to evolve in the distant past, perhaps when people first learned to protect themselves against cold, famine and other harsh agents of natural selection.
Although researchers aren't sure when people first added medicinal herbs to their wine, the earliest written evidence of such wines in ancient Egypt comes from papyri dating to about 1850 B.C.E..
Many people will remember Bob Marley for giving them their first taste of reggae music.
First, most people do not realise that there are strong commercial agendas at work to keep them in passive consumption mode.
He examined how many times people were first authors on influential studies, and the like.
To learn his system, people must first know how to write letters of the alphabet and learn which sounds they represent.
They became the greatest traders of the pre-classical world, and were the first people to establish a large colonial network.
"The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on a consistent basis."
The snakes lived in these places first and then the people built houses.
The stone chip was one of the first tools that people used, and perhaps it is the most important.
In the first week of January, thousands of guilt-ridden people signed up for fitness courses or embarked on diets.
At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people.
This was, New York apart, the first American city I had ever been in where people actually lived downtown.
Although South Africa has many of the attributes of the First World – some good infrastructure, millions of rich people – it is still not part of that world.
The Aborigines are the first people of Australia, and the ancient aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world.
She is expecting up to 20 people at the first meeting she has called, at her local pub in the Cornish village of Polperro.
If you want your blog to be read by more people, ask yourself why first before you ask yourself how.
A lot of people start at the first stop of the train station as this is where many tourists arrive in the town.
About 183.8 million people will shop on Cyber Monday, the first Monday after Thanksgiving.
At first, only a few people in the state understood the advantages of Shang Yang's plans.
At first, only a few people in the state understood the advantages of Shang Yang's plans.