Even more impressive is the progress in just a single year: human interventions fell from 0.8 times per thousand miles to 0.2, which translates into a 400% improvement.
In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths per thousand live births.
On average, there were 21 illnesses per thousand player-days.
The death rate was 20 per thousand in those days and is 6 per thousand now.
But players in their home countries endured only 15 illnesses per thousand days.
CPM ads (" cost per thousand views "; banner ads online and regular ads in print, TV and radio).
CPM广告(“costper thousandviews:按千人浏览量计费”;网站Banner横幅广告,在印刷品,电视和广播上的常规广告)。
Infant mortality ie The rate at which babies deaths 20 deaths per thousand live births in 1986.
Before 1970 the birth rate remained level. Then in 1970 it fell until it reached 30 per thousand in 1980.
The teen pregnancy rate in 2009, of about 38 per thousand girls, was 39 percent lower than the 1991 peak of 62.
As the social network to suppress the cost per thousand, their publishers, especially in terms of a challenge.
The mortality rate of children under five is sixty-six per thousand in India compared with fifty-two in Bangladesh.
Advertisers then pay a rate, called CPM (cost per thousand), for the right to expose the implied audience to their spot.
In infant mortality, Bangladesh has a similar advantage: it is fifty per thousand in India and forty-one in Bangladesh.
However, it is not the saltiest lake in the world. The Great Salt Lake in the USA, with 270 ports of salt per thousand, is even saltier.
With the build out of China's HSR, total length of highways and railways will reach 3.6 kilometers per thousand people, up 16% from today.
Since 2004, when the overalldivorce rate peaked at 14.1 per thousand, over-60s have been the onlypart of the population whose rates have continued to rise.
Ms. Hayes-Beaty's tastes can be sold wholesale (a batch of movie lovers is $1 per thousand) or customized (26-year-old Southern fans of "50 First Dates").
Access to electronic media widened across the continent with the number of computers per thousand people rising more than 30 percent in 2003 compared to 2000.
High heritability traits such as grain number per panicle and weight per thousand grains can be improved synchronously by limited backcrossing in breeding procedures.
In Malawi, for example, that the country is the highest under-five child mortality rate, one of ten countries in 1990, per thousand live births in 225 deaths, but in 2008 had dropped to 100 cases.
Before it, in the 1950s and 1960s, more than fifty thousand whales per year were killed.
The cost of an unplanned outage of over 2 hours but less than one day is b thousand dollars per hour, etc.
So how many of us are limiting our sodium intake to recommended levels - which scientists say could reduce new cases of coronary heart disease by 60-to-120 thousand per year.
Earthquakes are a regular occurrence under active volcanoes. They can number a thousand or more per day.
EPA has noted that several thousand cases per year of lung cancer come from elevated levels of radon in homes.
EPA has noted that several thousand cases per year of lung cancer come from elevated levels of radon in homes.