Subjectto Art. 5 par. 3, the minimum period of loan shall be the time between twoRegistration Periods.
The loan of a player by one club to anotherconstitutes a transfer for a predetermined period of time.
Libraries are expanding services that let patrons virtually 'check out' an e-book through the Internet, with e-book files that automatically lock down after the end of the loan period.
After a period of record new loan creation, issuance is easing as the front-loading of new lending runs its course and Banks become more mindful of credit risk.
Hanging in the balance are the basic features of a mortgage loan: the interest rate and repayment period.
Still, China's loan-classification system gives lenders an unusually long period of grace before recognising losses.
Longer terms make ownership affordable only by increasing the total cost of the loan, because the borrower pays interest for a longer period.
The loan interest rate is implemented in accordance with the loan interest rate stipulated by the People's Bank of China for the corresponding period.
On each interest Payment Date, the Borrower shall pay to the Lender interest accrued at the interest Rate on the outstanding amount of the Loan during each interest Period.
However, the issues of bad loans and loan risk management that has been harassing ADBC for quite a long period present a "bottleneck" for the formation of modern bank system for ADBC.
Therefore, in the same period of the loan, which interest payments will be higher than the former.
This thesis discusses on how to solve guarantee loan risk from guarantor's qualifications and abilities, guarantee way and period, guarantor's provision of remitting responsibility.
The current method of loan pricing is the one that is applicable to the period of interest rate control but not fit for the transition period.
Interest only loan programs are developed so that the buyer pays interest only on the loan for a specified period of time.
Based on panel data, the fixed effects model and the random effects model are used to estimate the performance of agriculture loan in the period from 1999 to 2002 in China.
For issues of severe nature, the bank may stop issuing of new loan in certain period.
And our country's current loan pricing method is the loan pricing method of period of the regulated interest rate, not fit for the requirement of period of transition.
For instance, no interest loans allow buyers to pay against the principle only on the loan for a period of time.
The implementation period of soil and water conservation World Bank loan project in Yih Ju League, Inner Mongolia is 8 years.
By extending the period of housing mortgage loan, the burden of monthly payment of housing buyers, the interest rate risk of monthly payment and of total interest payment increase.
Libraries are expanding services that let patrons virtually 'check out' ane-book through the withet, with e-book files that automatically lock down after the end of the loan period.
图书馆也扩展了服务,读者可以通过网络借阅电子书。 借阅期到了之后,图书会自动锁定,无法阅读。
But, the scale of credit funds is expanded, incubation period of benefit is relatively long, and without the system and returning mechanism of the loan, thus universities have very large debt risk.
This facility should provide banks with greater certainty on the amount of loans they can sell to the HKMC within the specified period and help them to plan their new loan businesses more effectively.
这项安排可使有关银行更确切掌握它们在指定时间内所能向按揭证券公司出售的按揭贷款数额,从而帮助银行更有效地筹划新的贷款 业务。
A mortgage is a special kind of loan used to buy a house over a period of time.
Owners of RMG production units will also get a grace period of up to three years for repaying the loan.
This thesis discusses on how to solve guarantee loan risk from guarantors qualifications and abilities, guarantee way and period, guarantors provision of remitting responsibility.
Remember that when you take up a housing loan, you will be dealing with the financial institution on a regular basis for a period of time.
Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior.
Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior.