The customs shall classify taxable personal articles according to the "Classification Table" and determine applicable rates.
This company is a world famous luxurious company. It operates a lot of commodities, such as: personal articles, suitcases and bags.
Visitors may deposit their personal articles at the depositary counters and self-service terminals at entrance areas and specific areas within the Expo park.
Captain: Firstly, last port clearance, record of PSC inspection, imported cargo manifest, declaration of personal articles, oh, could you check all certificates?
船长:首先,上一港结关手续,PS C检查记录,进口货清单,个人物品申报单,噢,你能检查一下证书吗?
Nevertheless, you can save money in most discount stores on such things as photographic equipment, household items, books and records and other non-personal articles.
With 1,260 articles, it is a collection of laws that is about personal issues, including property, marriage, family, personality rights, and inheritances.
The bookmarks back end then matches the keywords against my bookmarks, the RSS back end retrieves the latest four articles from my site, and the FOAF back end shows my personal information.
After all, there are always tweets to read, emails to answer, articles to read and personal projects to experiment with.
I use health books and articles to supplement my knowledge, but first and foremost I rely on my own personal experience.
In previous articles we discussed our user story, where customers request services (called errands) from service providers (called personal assistants or PAs).
You can find him at Eden Journal, where he posts a wide spectrum of articles from personal development to spiritual and philosophical awakenings.
你可以在 Eden Journal (《伊甸园》杂志) 网站获取他的大量关于个人成长及哲学醒悟的文章。
From Steve I learned the value of lengthy original articles, serving the reader, writing from personal experience, and choosing topics that apply to everyone.
This articles purpose is to help you re-define what your personal success is and how you define yourself.
These articles will include articles for my blog, the Personal Excellence blog, and guest articles for other large sites, including LifeHack. Org.
According to the new rules, retail goods purchased online will no longer be treated as personal postal articles but as imported goods, which carry tariffs, import VAT and consumption tax.
Determining which font will work best on your site is a personal choice, but there are articles that will help you decide.
This articles purpose is to help you re-define what your personal success is and how you define yourself.
This ability to organize and present articles in a composed fashion is much of what makes blogging a popular personal publishing tool.
VAT on articles carried by individuals into or sent into China for personal use shall be calculated together with customs duties.
A blog is a frequently updated, personal website featuring diary-type commentary and links to articles on other web sites.
Passengers carrying goods of commercial value, samples or articles other than personal belongings.
An article dispensing system (80) comprises a package (82) and a plurality of personal care articles (20) contained in the package.
Reading books or articles of an inspirational nature or on subjects of personal growth and development is very fruitful now.
Reading books or articles of an inspirational nature or on subjects of personal growth and development is very fruitful now.