This portion of all That is looks out for your interests and may be called upon in a personal manner.
His somewhat rumpled appearance and engaging personal manner briefly masked the intensity and clarity of a real original.
From hygiene to habits, from time management to personal manner, parents form the foundation of their children's characteristics.
Unlike laptops, they are single-user personal devices; however, tablets access the cloud in the same manner as smart phones.
Ideally, hotels should respond to all reviews within 24 hours in a personal and professional manner.
In GENERAL - it is unlawful for an operator of a website or online service to collect personal information from an individual in a manner that violates the rules prescribed under subsection (b).
Thinking about their mortality in a more personal and authentic manner may make them think more about what they value in life.
If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner.
We must conduct our meetings in a civilised manner. Personal attack and verbal threats will not be tolerated.
Experimental results showed that the developed system with high identification rate could be used for a personal identification system in an efficient and effective manner.
He must adapt his speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability and to the prevailing conditions of terrain, snow and weather as well as to the density of traffic.
The shares or other interest of any member in a company shall be personal estate transferable in manner provided by the articles of the company and shall not be of the nature of real estate.
This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for a third party to access or use your personal information in an unauthorized manner.
In order to give you more accurate, more targeted services, budelu may use the personal information you submit in the following manner.
In the numerous male person eyes "DOMINIK" no longer is only a fashionable brand, is one kind of life philosophy and the manner, has the savoring man to have its unique personal status!
The Company will only collect, hold and use personal data required for its operations and other related activities, and in a lawful and fair manner.
The Company will only collect, hold and use personal data required for its operations and other related activities, and in a lawful and fair manner.
Wouldn't it be better to let people end their lives in a manner that's respectful of their personal autonomy?
A program may be bold or timid, colorful or drab, but it should be so for a specific, goal-directed reason. Its manner shouldn't result from the personal preference of its designer or programmer.
She spoke beautifully she walked beautifully, she dressed beautifully and her manner and personal was as polished as anyone that've ever seen in my entire life on or of the screen.
Where the manner of announcement is adopted in service of process, the form of Posting announcements in border ports may be adopted except cases of personal relation.
China will enforce the law in a strict, procedure-based manner, and protect citizens' personal rights and dignity;
Diana: "I was not a aware of how overwhelming that attention would become, nor the extent to which it would effect both my public duties and my personal life in a manner that's been hard to bear."
Diana: "I was not a aware of how overwhelming that attention would become, nor the extent to which it would effect both my public duties and my personal life in a manner that's been hard to bear."