Come and work out with our qualified personal trainer, Jodie McGregor, on the grounds of the Middleton Lodge estate.
Amender's mother employs a personal trainer, a bodyguard, a singing coach and a councilor to look after all her fifteen-year-old daughter's needs.
Prior to modeling, Eve said she's worked as a certified personal trainer.
On her profile she describes herself as a yoga teacher and personal trainer.
However, it requires either a computer and Morse software or a personal trainer.
An iPhone app lets women create their own virtual personal trainer that can be Shared with friends.
If you are not sure what to look for a personal trainer can usually point you in the right direction.
Every personal trainer is different and you need to do some research to find the best possible match.
The Lunch Box Diet is a small downloadable document (10 pages) from UK personal trainer Simon Lovell.
"It's eating another meal," said Macdonald, a personal trainer who helped TV host Chelsea Handler get in shape.
Recently he has been taking regular runs with his wife, a former supermodel, and work-outs with her personal trainer.
So you might hire a personal trainer who has proven experience working with people who wanted to prepare for a marathon.
Working out with a personal trainer (even just a couple of times) can improve the chance of obtaining your fitness goals.
That 's right. The flier says all the aerobics trainers there graduate from International Personal trainer Institute.
Believe it or not, having a personal trainer is a team effort and you will build a strong relationship over the months.
One day a friend of a friend called to say that she had heard I was working as a personal trainer at the local health club.
Last year my father was ill and once he'd recovered his health he booked in with a personal trainer to recover his strength.
This New Year, if you're in the market for a personal trainer, here are ten tips to help you identify the one best suited for you.
"A coach is like a personal trainer for business," says Erika Andersen, author of Being Strategic and coach to many media executives.
埃里卡·安德森说,“培训就如同生意上的私人教练。”她是《战略性思维》(Being Strategic)一书的作者,同时也是多位媒体主管的培训教练。
Shawn Keith, certified personal trainer, recommends filling tennis balls and tennis cans with sand or change for some great handheld weights.
Take advantage of this to get new fitness tips and answers to your questions. (Learn more about How to Find the Right Personal Trainer.)
Prior to modeling, Eve said she's worked as a certified personal trainer. She's also done stints as a wrestler and has some experience acting.
Today, sports stars often have a personal trainer, an individual who looks after not only their physical fitness but also their mental preparedness.
"It doesn't mean anything," said Mark Macdonald, personal trainer and author of "Body Confidence" about the calorie Numbers spit out by the cardio machine.
“这根本毫无意义,”MarkMacdonald在提到有氧运动机吐出的数字时说道。他是一名私人教练,而且是《身体信心》(“ Body Confidence ”)一书的作者。
If there is anything I have learned through my years as a personal trainer is that dieting right is the number one obstacle people face while trying to get fit.
The 39-year-old Radio 2 presenter, who gave birth to her second child Nelly just seven weeks ago, was spotted hard at work with a personal trainer near her home.
The 39-year-old Radio 2 presenter, who gave birth to her second child Nelly just seven weeks ago, was spotted hard at work with a personal trainer near her home.