In addition to taking the same steps that you took in the first tutorial, for the second tutorial you implement a Personalization application object to get data from a Web service.
The primary focus of SKINIT Suzhou is as a personal decoration and personalization application company using our patented application processes to personalize various consumer and commercial items.
Now, run the same application with a different user to see that the personalization rule will display the other layout if the logged-in user is not from a banking organization.
Therefore, you must make sure these classes are in the class path of any application which references them, including the Personalization user interface itself.
The key used to store the object on the session or request should match the session key assigned when defining the application object in the Personalization portlet.
在会话或请求中存储对象时所使用的键应该与在Personalization Portlet中定义该应用程序对象时所分配的会话键相匹配。
In order for the WebSphere Personalization run time to pick up this new class, you must stop and start the application server in the WebSphere administrator's console.
The purpose of this article is to provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a sample Personalization 4.0 application using rules and resources.
本文的目的是对如何使用规则和资源创建样本personalization 4.0应用程序提供循序渐进的指示。
Method 1: publishing personalization resources through an Application Developer publishing server.
方法1:通过Application Developer发布服务器发布个性化资源。
Generally speaking, application objects are easier to implement than resource collections because they require less knowledge of Personalization interfaces.
When used correctly, application objects and resource collections are reusable components extending the Personalization rules engine.
Normally, Personalization will look for an application object at a key specified by you when the application object is defined in the Personalization portlet.
Now, we will start the process of adding personalization to the application we just set up. Create user resources using the user resource wizard.
Run the application and make sure that the layout1.jsp comes up to verify that the basic application is working and isolate the problem to the personalization part.
运行应用程序并确保出现layout 1 .jsp以验证基本应用程序在工作并将问题隔离到个性化部分。
Then, create an action to describe the action that the personalization rule will perform (the type of content to retrieve or update from a content resource created in Application Developer).
然后,创建一个操作以描述个性化规则将执行什么操作(从在Application Developer中创建的内容资源中检索或更新的内容类型)。
IBM WebSphere Portal runs as an application on IBM WebSphere application Server, and provides aggregation of content, applications, processes, personalization, and other services.
IBMWebSpherePortal作为一个应用程序在IBM WebSphereApplicationServer上运行,提供内容、应用、流程、个性化和其它服务的集合体。
Personalization is important, but do not add it to your application at the cost of usability, nor allow it to impede the implementation of something like support for internationalization.
If your publish is not successful, then the application server with personalization is probably not available for some reason; speak to your WebSphere Administrator.
Before going any further, it is recommended that you read the help information on Personalization features that are added by the wizards you installed into Application Developer.
在进行任何进一步操作之前,建议您阅读有关Personalization特性的帮助信息,它是由您安装到Application Developer中的向导添加的。
WebSphere Application Server 4.0.2 already contains the APAR 51952 fix that the Personalization installation readme says is necessary.
WebSphereApplicationServer4.0.2已经包含APAR 51952修正,Personalization安装自述文件称它是必需的。
Application objects enable you to extend WebSphere Portal Personalization (hereafter called Personalization) with additional "current" information; for example.
The store application demonstrates basic online shopping tasks which includes a product catalog, user authentication and personalization, shopping baskets, and order checkout.
This paper discusses the connotation and features of personalization information demand and analyzes some tactics of network information application.
This application is a widget for your home screen and you can enjoy personalization of it.
If a control is added by application code or by a user selecting it from a catalog of controls (a dynamic control), visibility is determined by the current personalization scope of the page.
如果控制项是透过应用程式程式码,或是藉由使用者从控制项目录选取的方式加入网页 (动态控制项),则可视性由网页的目前个人化范围决定。
This application is a widget for your home screen and you can enjoy personalization of it.
Video content personalization technologies have broad application background and market demand, therefore the research is very important.
视频内容个性化定 制技术具有广泛的应用前景和市场需求,因此具有重要的研究和应用价值。
In some cases, your application might initially be maintaining personalization information for an anonymous user, but eventually the user logs in to your application.
In some cases, your application might initially be maintaining personalization information for an anonymous user, but eventually the user logs in to your application.