Within a single store, it is possible to customize business rules for different targeted customers using such techniques as marketing campaigns and promotions, personalization, or B2B contracts.
Among the success metrics identified are segmentation, personalization, list hygiene, and opt-in strategies, all best-in-class practices businesses must master to meet marketing goals.
研究确立的一些成功标准有细分、个性化、列表清洁(listhygiene)以及许可营销(opt - in)策略,企业必须掌握以上所有最佳实践以实现营销的目标。
Among the success metrics identified are segmentation, personalization, list hygiene, and opt-in strategies, all best-in-class practices businesses must master to meet marketing goals.
研究确立的一些成功标准有细分、个性化、列表清洁(listhygiene)以及许可营销(opt - in)策略,企业必须掌握以上所有最佳实践以实现营销的目标。