"This bird doesn't talk." she told the pet store owner.
The pet store owner was shocked at what she said.
"Yes, right before he died," the woman answered, "in a low voice, he asked me weakly, 'Don't they sell any food at that pet store?'"
The woman asked me in a low voice, "Don't they sell any food at that pet store?"
The pet store owner was shocked. "I'm sorry. Tell me, did he ever say anything?"
A lady was walking to work when she saw a parrot on a perch in front of a pet store.
The chinchillas may look cute at the pet store and you just have to have one.
But I know we'd have to take the iguana back. And the pet store might not let us.
Housebreaking is a Chore: Pet store puppies have spent all their short lives in cages.
He said I could buy a pet, But the pet store has so many, I don't know what to get.
So, before you buy that cute puppy in the window, consider the downsides of pet store pups
When Mary came home, she's mother gave her a cake and her father gave her the puppy from pet store.
A parrot (a conure, it turned out) came home with us from the pet store, named Teddy after my father.
A lady was walking down the street to work. A parrot was perched on the side-walk outside a pet store.
Ipoh, a pet store in Malaysia, recently introduced a pair of monkeys known as the world's smallest monkeys.
So the next time you see that adorable puppy in the window, pause and think about the downsides of pet store pups.
The last version of the Really Big Pet Store example uses an entity EJB to obtain its categories information.
ReallyBigPet Store例子的最后一个版本使用一个实体EJB来获得其类别信息。
Food - There is a lot more to properly feeding an iguana than just giving it "iguana food" from the pet store.
One woman questioned why we'd bought a rabbit at a pet store when there's a bunny rescue operation 45 minutes away.
If you've ever seen the cockatoos at a pet store and thought about keeping these large and magnificent birds - don't.
He returned to the pet store that afternoon, reasoning that he might as well convert the snake's lair into a rat's nest.
At last the day came when we were able to walk down to our local pet store to "adopt" some additions to our little family.
This article demonstrated the performance advantages of using the pollset interface over poll with a pet store application.
Buying or "rescuing" an iguana from a pet store may be an easy place to getting an iguana, but it's not the best place.
Maybe just vacuum the bottom of the tank once a month with one of those siphon cleaner apparatus you can get at the pet store.
The pet store has 32 hamsters. They keep the same number of hamsters in each cage. There are 8 cages. How many hamsters are in each cage?
A 44-year-old woman strokes snakes in a pet store, watches horror movies with wide eyed fascination and giggles her way through haunted houses.
A 44-year-old woman strokes snakes in a pet store, watches horror movies with wide eyed fascination and giggles her way through haunted houses.