Phase two, preparation, adds a layer of speed by introducing tempo runs and long repeats.
In the technology maturation phase, Raytheon's jammer will be developed and tested to ensure spectral precision, power, reactive speed and directivity.
This phase emphasizes easy miles, but don't confuse base training with fitness running. You are building a base by increasing miles and adding some speed and strength work.
MySQL can speed the query phase using its query cache.
This not only results in a reduction in the problems listed above, which are normally corrected by the use of negative feedback, but also improves phase linearity and speed.
The design of target doppler frequency measurement circuit is very important in phase coded MMW radar system because of the high measurement precision requirement of target speed.
In fact, using digital cameras provide default mode, phase opportunities from two aspects of the aperture and shutter speed on the adjustment, in order to make the amount of light, doubled.
Athletes without efficient technique may be capable of generating substantial speed during the flight phase, but a jarring stance phase can hinder their forward progress.
The result shows that inspection at site and feedback can effectively improve the control ability of speed perception in sliding phase.
The equivalent circuit, the phase diagram as well as the torque-speed characteristic in the braking state are obtained.
Phase control operations in light dimmers, motor speed controllers, and similar.
Then, the influences of some parameters on phase speed and attenuation are analyzed.
The phase separation speed decreases with increase of BA content, but the extent of phase separation increases.
Note: With the above settings, this TF will take a turn to move within striking range and then during the next turn 's night phase, rush in at full speed to make the attack.
"In a nutshell, the idea is to design drugs that speed up the mutation rates of viruses and push them beyond a threshold called a" phase transition.
The design of target Doppler frequency measurement circuit is very important in phase-coded MMW radar system because of the high measurement precision requirement of target speed.
The property of digital filters for spatial phase detection significantly influences the accuracy and the speed of phase demodulation.
Bubble collapse process near a rigid boundary in solid-liquid two-phase fluid has been observed with high speed camera in this paper.
Image manipulation, unwrapping of wrapped phase, calculation speed and precision are still the mainstream study direction due to amounts of speckle noise.
In a stroke cycle the minimum speed of boat exists in drive phase, but the maximum exists in recovery phase.
This paper studied the three-phase PWM(pulse width modulation) rectifier in dual PWM variable frequency speed regulation system.
That are the amplitude changes of rotation speed frequency, and initial phase angle.
However, phase speed depends on plasma frequency and structure dimension, and very slow waves can exist in very small sized waveguide.
The FM response magnitude and phase variation effects laser on the high speed frequency switching.
The well-known phase speed formulas of surface inertial gravity wave and internal shear inertial gravity wave are the special cases of this frequency equation.
The nonlinear drift-wave equation driven by a sinusoidal wave is discussed in a coordinate system moving in the driving phase speed.
Then the possibility of larger phase velocity and group velocity than light speed in dispersive medium is discussed.
The linear speed-up phase in the starting process basically determines the starting time, and it can be accelerated by increase its starting torque to the maximum value.
The linear speed-up phase in the starting process basically determines the starting time, and it can be accelerated by increase its starting torque to the maximum value.