I watched my heroes with names like Shepard, Glenn and Grissom climb into phone-booth size capsules and then launch into space atop blazing rockets.
When I left the phone booth, I went back to a silent house with three closed bedroom doors.
Each of the 100 artists changed the appearance of one phone booth.
Nina has successfully put a trace on the pay phone but, a cell phone planted inside the booth rings instead.
Amy Dennaker had emerged from the phone booth and was regarding us with more interest than usual.
Explicit garbage collection is a really bad idea - something on the order of locking yourself in a phone booth with a rabid pit bull.
There's a bright red British phone booth in the lobby, a fancy buffet with an ocean view, and girls running around with big electric fly-swatters shaped like tennis rackets.
I decided to skip dinner—I could hide out in the common room phone booth until I knew Dede had gone to the dining hall, then sneak back upstairs.
I didn’t stop until I got to the phone booth next to one of the biggest cafés on the Paseo.
She saw the man from the rear-vision mirror who followed her was standing behind a phone booth.
A phone booth in the middle of the desert with a sign that said "Talk to God" was a surreal sight even at Burning Man.
Despite advances in technology, treating your camera phone like the boardwalk kiosk photo-booth is premature, and more apt for a third date.
Salinger started with Pennsylvania Station — 58 pages after promising not to tell “where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, ” Holden Caulfield alights there and heads for a phone booth.
When we finished eating he went to the pay phone in the back of the diner, then joined me in the booth again.
Two French artists Benoit Deseille and Benedetto Bufalino design of this phone booth-style aquarium tank.
You could put (Luis) Figo in a phone booth with 11 opponents and he would find his way to the door.
Linda:There's a phone booth on the corner You want me to run downstairs and get the number? You'll be passing it.
Maria?I'm at a phone booth at the Nature Center. I've done the interview.
The Ply phone at the KDDI booth is designed to look like several slices of wood sandwiched together.
I thought I was was going in a straight line but I ended up walking right into an open phone booth.
After lunch, I went to phone my mum in the nearby telephone booth, telling her that I would be back home that day.
There is a phone booth just around the corner. I'II call an ambulance for you.
"To me, Clark Rent in a phone booth and Houdini in a packing crate, they were one and the same thing, " he would learnedly expound at WonderCon or Angouleme or to the editor of The Comics Journal.
And she crowded up against me in that little space, tighter than a phone booth. I could hear the soft noise of her hand fumbling along the panel.
You could put (Luis) Figo in a phone booth with 11 opponents and he would find his way to the door.
Behind an ordinary reception area, a door opens to a small room with only a red phone booth that could have been a prop in an Austin Powers movie.
He went to an outdoor phone booth and dialed Chicago, then New York, then San Francisco.
This is no ordinary phone booth, and you definitely wouldn't see Clark Kent getting changed in here.
This is no ordinary phone booth, and you definitely wouldn't see Clark Kent getting changed in here.