In a unique photo op, the departing crew will photograph Endeavour parked at the space station.
When he toured Australia, leggy models leapt out of the surf to kiss him for a photo op. He was brave.
More broadly, politicians will have to move away from the photo op and grand initiative method of improving society.
Rain was falling outside. Young garlic soup and frog legs were on the menu. In other words, it was the perfect occasion for a photo op.
It's a popular photo op among tourists, and a 12-inch version of it is the literary award that the Franz Kafka Society gives to winners of the annual Kafka Prize.
The cast took the stage for a joint photo op in Hall H to wrap up days of studio panels that have taken place each day at Comic-Con in San Diego since Thursday morning.
There are technical hurdles that have to be cleared and NASA would need to extend Discovery's planned 11-day mission a day, but if the stars align it could be the photo op of the year.
He engaged in an absurd photo-op to declare "Mission accomplished", and he also gave MEDALS to three of the architects of the debacle, George Tenet, Tommy Franks and Paul Bremer.
As for Mr Obama, when he meets businesspeople at fund-raisers and the like, he too often shakes hands and moves on, leaving them feeling he was more interested in a photo-op than a conversation.
As we filed out, the crowd filed out with us. Photo-op over, their work for the day was done.
The classic example of the shooting photo-op was John Kerry's appearance in rather too pristine duck-hunting gear in October 2004.
The classic example of the shooting photo-op was John Kerry's appearance in rather too pristine duck-hunting gear in October 2004.