These features combined with other new AF advancements allow every photo opportunity to be captured.
It would be a shame if the rumors about their marriage were true since they've wasted that photo opportunity.
I was standing in front of the sink the other day and realised a great photo opportunity was staring me in the face.
They beckon for me to join their photo opportunity and I smile that smile you have as a child when first you see snow.
We wealthy strangers pass through their lives, collect our images for the next Unicef poster in Beijing and move on to the next photo opportunity.
"The Copenhagen climate summit is not about a photo opportunity, it's about getting a global agreement to stop climate chaos," said a Greenpeace international spokesperson.
Some 20 minutes later, the crew carefully brought the fish aboard for a brief photo opportunity, and then released him again, taking care to ensure he was swimming properly.
Children mourn for victims of the April 14 Yushu County, Qinghai province earthquake, during a photo opportunity at a kindergarten in Jinan, Shandong province, April 20, 2010.
Aside from a brief photo opportunity, there was no media access to the discussions, which were divided into an initial round of talks, and a second round of extended bilateral discussions.
Indeed, the value of attention can be monetized, and a contract requiring someone to pay attention (by, say, giving a speech or appearing at a photo opportunity) can be bought and sold.
The White House office — which had approved the flying photo opportunity but ordered that the public be kept in the dark about the flight plan — said the Air Force was handling the issue.
On election day, he fled the state for the more flattering photo opportunity of joining Barack Obama in the White House Rose Garden to announce tighter national fuel-efficiency standards for cars.
Even more surprisingly, accuracy rate was just as good when the images were exposed at a rapid rate of only 50 milliseconds, which offered participants no opportunity to consciously process the photo.
It was a great opportunity to capture artistic images with high-key sky backgrounds as I did in this photo of a male passing nesting material to his mate.
If someone asks you to help take a photo of him, watch out: this is a prime opportunity for thieves.
Many of us have turned to photo sharing on social media to exploit the opportunity to send a shameless selfie to a love interest.
The selected members of Team PB were thus given the opportunity to grace the covers of both competing magazines as well as a special photo mook commemorating the event.
It's an opportunity for the device vendor to fully showcase the device and present a photo realistic image of the device.
It's an opportunity for the device vendor to fully showcase the device and present a photo realistic image of the device.