They weren't trying to alter the physical appearance of Paris.
Jabba's physical appearance was as repulsive as his decadence.
That means they like what you are wearing and your physical appearance.
Intervene when one child teases another about his or her physical appearance.
In addition, females don't select for physical appearance to the degree that men do.
What's more, unlike 11 physical appearance, this type of attractiveness is harder to fake.
Women are resorting more and more to esthetical surgery to improve their physical appearance.
Take Care of You: Physical appearance matters in the workplace when it comes to getting ahead.
He was a true inheritor of the physical appearance of the Prophet and his spiritual inheritor.
Body image is a person's opinions, thoughts, and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.
These perceived and real professional benefits were correlated with physical appearance, not to perceptions of age.
It shows me that, as a society, our physical appearance plays a key role in workplace interactions and earnings outcomes.
“His assets are off the charts,” said Ms. Oh, adding that the company had rated his physical appearance as “average.”
This emotional style drives people to push themselves in sports, at school, in physical appearance, or for social status.
Professor Johnson said: 'One could argue that, under certain conditions, physical appearance may be a legitimate basis for hiring.
Throughout the movie, the filmmakers capture tiny changes in mood and physical appearance, and the grand effects are startling.
The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not, however, the sole reason for America's fascination with diet and exercise.
Being more mindful of not just the taste and physical appearance of food, but also of the sound it makes can help consumers to eat less.
Once you have created your character's race, class, and gender, you may choose your physical appearance - and there are a ton of options!
We know that the first thing a person looks for is the physical appearance, that's why we are doing almost everything just to look attractive.
In this last change, we judge a person based on their physical appearance, and tie them in with beliefs that will seem quite stupid offline.
Thousands of years of selective breeding have left their mark not only on their physical appearance and efficiency, but also on their behavior.
The camera has brought people a new, and essentially pathetic, relation to themselves, to their physical appearance, to aging, to their own mortality.
They were convinced they had made their judgement about the lecturer's physical appearance, mannerisms and accent without considering how likeable he was.
They just have to make them look like people and everyone in Japan will assume they are Japanese – no matter how improbable their physical appearance.
Question to Consider: I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?
Backstage at the Golden Globes, Hall said he went public about his illness because he knew his physical appearance at the ceremony would raise eyebrows.
The results suggest that our body language during conversation is more reactive to that of others than it is to their physical appearance, says Theobald.
The results suggest that our body language during conversation is more reactive to that of others than it is to their physical appearance, says Theobald.