Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.
The ideas of PER and AER are steadily gaining acceptance in physics and astronomy departments nationwide.
Chris Kimmer, Ph.D., department of physics and astronomy and the department of computer engineering and computer science at the University of louisville.
Physics and Philosophy, Experimental Physics and Astronomy, Theoretical Physics and thermodynamics, Relativity and Gravity, Gondens-matter Physics, High-energy Physics.
For example, between 2013 and 2015 the 100 most published authors in physics and astronomy from American research centres had an average of 311 papers each to their names.
However, the small cosmological constant and cosmic coincidence problem cannot be resolved within the known laws of physics, which is the famous cosmological constant problem in physics and astronomy.
And when they aren't thinking about them, they're thinking about paleontology, or astronomy, or geology, or biology, or physics, or meteorology, or oceanography.
It serves as a research laboratory that has microgravity environment in which crews conduct experiments in many fields including biology, human biology, physics, astronomy and meteorology.
Currently, he is involved in high-energy particle physics and high-energy neutrino astronomy using radio telescopes.
The Science section alone contains content on topics including agriculture, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, ecology and geography.
It will house researchers from fields as diverse as neutrino astronomy, cosmology, seismology and atmospheric physics.
In radio astronomy, as in particle physics, bigger kit is better-a larger telescope can gather fainter signals and produce sharper images.
在射电天文学里,比如粒子物理学里面,更大的配套元件会更好- - -一个更大的望远镜可以收集到较微弱的信号并产生更清晰的图像。
The term "natural science" includes astronomy, chemistry, physics, geography, biology and what not.
It will house researchers from fields as diverse as neutrino astronomy cosmology seismology and atmospheric physics.
A new science, Radio astronomy, has emerged, and it is very closely allied to astronomy, astro - physics and physics.
It aims to stimulate interest in solar astronomy, presenting at one place the basic methods and techniques used in the field, together with the latest findings and the excitement in solar physics.
They spanned diverse subjects, ranging from astronomy, chemistry, and physics to geology and biology.
Fractal theory is extensive applied to many fields, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, material science, biology and medicine, geography, earthquake and astronomy, computer science and so on.
A new science, Radio ASTROnomy, has emerged, and it is very closely allied to ASTROnomy, ASTRO-physics and physics.
Japan on Wednesday launched a new generation X-ray astronomy satellite aiming to reveal the structure of the universe and physics at extreme conditions in space.
Many mathematical models in physics, mechanics, biology and astronomy are given in such forms. Many problems of dynamical systems can be reduced to an iterative functional equation.
ZHANG Youyi. New Idea of Low Speed High Torque Hydraulic Motor [J]. Chinese Science: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Science and Technology, 1982, 24 (1) : 90-91.
[3]张有颐。低速大扭矩柱塞液压马达的新设想[J]。中国科学:数学物理学天文学技术科学,1982,24 (1):90- 91。
ZHANG Youyi. New Idea of Low Speed High Torque Hydraulic Motor [J]. Chinese Science: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Science and Technology, 1982, 24 (1) : 90-91.
[3]张有颐。低速大扭矩柱塞液压马达的新设想[J]。中国科学:数学物理学天文学技术科学,1982,24 (1):90- 91。