Six 'iconic' towers are positioned at the center of the site, catering to lifestyles that place an emphasis on art, culture, and health.
Nursery rhymes help your child make up the grammatical structure of their language and they will learn how to place an emphasis on certain words or phrases.
Furthermore, we place an emphasis on capacity building for schools, teachers, civil society and communities to enhance the quality of education and the positive results.
Those strategies will place an increasing emphasis on emerging markets, many of which will power ahead.
Look at the top schools in the world, like Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, and Harvard, and they place just as powerful an emphasis on the humanities.
Efficiency is Paramount at Kura: absent are the traditional sushi chefs and their painstaking attention to detail. In their place are sushi-making robots and an emphasis on efficiency.
When you're inexperienced and you've formed an idea of what you want in a girl, or in a relationship, you may place too much emphasis on factors that don't really matter all that much.
The World Health Organization (WHO) selects "Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women" as the theme for the next World No Tobacco Day, which will take place on 31 May 2010.
世界卫生组织(世卫组织)选择 “两性与烟草:关注针对女性的促销行为”作为将于2010年5月31日开展的世界无烟日活动的主题。
In conclusion, I think that individuals an society should place more emphasis on the present than the future.
He backed an overdue scheme to place more emphasis on rehabilitating criminals and less on expensively locking them up-until the tabloids objected and he took fright.
We also place a strong emphasis on employability, giving you chance to undertake a range of practical assignments, market research and consultancy as well as an optional work placement.
We also place a strong emphasis on employability, giving you chance to undertake a range of practical assignments, market research and consultancy as well as an optional work placement.