The certificate must indicate the date, place of birth and names of parents.
All the more reason for candidates to be chosen on the basis of competence, not place of birth.
In their desperation to define the "other" all three papers mistake nationality for place of birth.
This data object has three properties that are all PHP strings: name, dob (date of birth) and pob (place of birth).
The students own different gender, major, grade and place of birth had different expectation in different ways.
There are 3 views on Dong Zhongshu s place of birth in the history: the first is Guangchuan town of Jing Country;
One day, the big emperor issues the bulletin, requests all people to return to in the town own place of birth go.
Carrying a heavy basket and bundle, Tess was walking towards the hills which divided her from the Vale, her place of birth.
If I change a place of birth, this time there may be a school baby, chances are also more than one, how can I think so, hey.
People everywhere, regardless of their place of birth or status in society, deserve the same protection from hazards to their health.
These Magi were eventually directed to search in Bethlehem, based on a prophesy in the Jewish Scriptures concerning the place of birth of the promised king.
A native Brit can pinpoint a person's place of birth, annual salary, and parentage going back three generations within moments of hearing another Brit speak.
This document contains 36 thousand Boeing employees sensitive personal identity information, including name, place of birth, BEMSID and accounting department code.
Similarly, very scanty information remained about Luo Guanzhong, the author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and even his place of birth was still controversial.
There are some people, they stay in the place of birth, and others, are relying on the dialect, and they think that the dialect of Mandarin is enough, not much use for them.
The new students for the training base of the first thing after being reborn ": name, age, place of birth, hobbies, parents and brothers and sisters career and name are to replace."
The archive contains more than one thousand five hundred recordings. These can be searched many ways, including by place of birth and the age at which the speaker began to learn English.
In principle, the farther away from the place of birth, the greater the use of the power of God, but also depending on the severity of life with God depends Board can not fill them too.
Fourth chapter has carried on the analysis to the northwest documents overall situation, such as the author place of birth distribution, the time distribution from the department and so on.
In case of alteration of the matters listed above except the age, place of birth, and position in Subparagraph 5 and Subparagraph 7, registration of alteration shall be made within one month.
Because Satisfaction Degree is very subjective, fuzzy, it is very difficultly to quantify, and it will be subject to freshmen's gender, the place of birth, family situation and other factors.
A recent study has shown that neurogenesis took place in male mice in the days following the birth of their pups.
Photographs and letters are also helpful; knowing specific dates like the birth of a sibling or a move to a different house can help place fragmentary memories in time.
In east part of India, Kolkata is well known in China, Darjeeling and its tea is well known in China. Bodhgaya as the birth place of Buddhism is important to Buddhists in China.
In India, only 41% of births take place in a health facility and only one in seven babies born at home is delivered by a skilled birth attendant, according to the most recent figures.
In India, only 41% of births take place in a health facility and only one in seven babies born at home is delivered by a skilled birth attendant, according to the most recent figures.