The actual cost is greater than or smaller than the difference of the standard cost (or cost of quota, planned costs).
The construction cost supervision is of great importance for the performance of a project construction with required quality and planned cost within the given time.
And at the time setting up the system of the planned cost accounting, the hospital deal with the relation in order between the planned cost accounting and service of medical treatment.
Software projects rarely do as well as planned and, as a result, far too often we have to visit our iron triangle of scope, cost, and time.
Determined the effective cost of planned and unplanned outages, and hence the justifiable expense of additional redundant capacity to prevent them.
The cost of a planned outage of up to 6 hours overnight is c thousand dollars.
Is that always true, or is the cost less for a regular, planned outage than for a surprise unplanned outage?
On one hand they are told to be agile, flexible, and adaptable, but on the other they are told to conform to pre-planned traditional Iron Triangle framework of scope, schedule, and cost.
Briefly presents three mainly used methods for calculating water price: marginal cost method, planned price method and cost method.
Re-investment in the Kiowa fleet is planned to cost about USD4 million per aircraft and is hoped to keep the helicopters up to date and flying until 2020, Gen Thurman said during on 6 January.
Manage the planned production programme whilst delivering Safety & Environment, Quality, Delivery, Cost, Human Resource and Machine Targets.
Their operation and management have ever since been organized in the planned economy mode and organization structure, with low efficiency and persistently high management cost.
The planned work contained within the lowest-level WBS components, which are called work packages, can be scheduled, cost estimated, monitored, and controlled.
To ensure the produce in the period of planned economy, the cost is not calculated.
The supply price is relied on the cost for the emission reduction, the its differential coefficient of the cost , the capital value, and the planned emission reduction in the life cycle.
The engineering cost is the price of engineering, which usually consists of direct fee, overheads, planned profit and tax.
The ability is currently planned to have no cooldown, cost 10 Rage, and have a 9-second duration.
An investigation by Mr. Cuomo's office found that various doctor-rating systems currently used or planned by insurers are based primarily on the cost of care, not its quality.
Cost control scheme is planned results, should cost to increase cost factors and cost advantage for one.
The direct and indirect cost caused by land appropriation for the channels can be easily calculated and is easy to be planned.
Chernoff added that Murray planned to attend to patients in Las Vegas as well, but the cost of reopening his clinic there was "prohibitive."
Briefly presents 3 mainly used methods for calculating water price: marginal cost method, planned price and cost price.
By using these project management methods and skills, this project was undertaken successfully following the planned schedule and estimated cost.
Mr Warren said he expected to spend about $400,000 on a two-week jaunt next month, including the cost of ships he planned to rent and a remote-operated submarine.
沃伦预计, 从下月开始的为期两周的航行将花费40万美元,这些费用包括租赁船只以及一艘远程控制的潜水艇的价钱。
At present, we have been set up our own stable partner overseas, and combined with your needs, we controled the cost effectively and planned a successful exhibition for you.
For a long term, the state governed and planned the military producing and uniformly priced the products on the principle of cost-covering, low margin and free-tax in our country.
This project will cost between five and eight times less than it would have done in a European country for a high speed line because the planned route crosses only flat and stable terrain.
This project will cost between five and eight times less than it would have done in a European country for a high speed line because the planned route crosses only flat and stable terrain.