A change in plate thickness reduces the flutter load drastically.
Can all these apparent indications of plate thickness really be mistaken?
The influences of the finite plate thickness and the orifice shape are also taken into account.
Three series of inclined plate thickness, crystal, usually for granular, dense clumps aggregation.
The steel plate thickness adjustment through adjusts the eccentricity of driven roller to realize.
And then, the method is used to study the effects of plate thickness on bending in composite joints.
The bigger plate thickness is and higher the initial temperature is, the quicker temperature drop is.
The bearing capacity of the connections is improved by adjusting plate thickness and arranging stiffeners.
Notice first that there could be a substantial difference between lithosphere thickness and plate thickness.
In consideration of melt pressure, the circular plate thickness can be calculated in accordance with the formula.
At the same time, it presents the effects of concrete code and plate thickness on fatigue property of plated RCbeams.
As an example the effects of uncertainties of Young's modulus. Possion's ratio and plate thickness on plate bendings…
This particular failure depends on two factors such as the distance of plate end from the support and plate thickness.
影响这种剥离破坏的主要因素有两个:一是粘贴钢板的端部与加固梁支座距离; 二是粘贴钢板的厚度。
Plating method, Cylinder or MATTHEWS, depends on customer request, printing plate thickness could be appointed by customer.
Moreover, the high phosphorus diets appeared the tendency of epiphyseal plate thickness and bone cortical thickness decreasing.
With manual drainage switch, reduce drainage need not hand to sink, plate thickness can also, with little junk filtering separate;
In order to accurately Price, would you please tell me Santana Plate thickness of the number, within and outside the rubber or not to rubber.
The results indicated that the bolt number, bolt diameter and end-plate thickness all affected the limited capacity of joints to some degree.
The exact solutions have been found for all configurations with different parameters of shell length, shell thickness, radius and plate thickness.
The factors influencing screen printing precision were analyzed including mesh geometry parameters, the plate thickness, and the surface roughness.
An intelligent coated plate thickness measurement system based on a semiconductor laser diode as light source and a CMOS image sensor is introduced.
This paper discusses how the weld groove and the plate thickness affect the sheet metal manufacture processing, and how to design with reasonable method.
The effects of some parameters, such as the plate thickness, radius of the filled foundation, on the maximum deflections and stress, are also investigated.
The position of minimum values on the sound transmission loss curve varies with the changes made on plate thickness and the moment of inertia of stiffeners.
Abstract: This paper discusses the extrusion processing fine modulus graphite electrode, the reasonable selection of graphite plate thickness, cost savings.
The factors, such as end -plate thickness, bolt's types , beam and column ' flank , that can effect on the joint rigidity and moment capability, are analyzed.
Practice proves this method can implement decoupling of steel shape and plate thickness, meets the requirements of steel plate quality, with excellent robustness.
One of the valid method to reduce the vertical breaking in deep-drawing of 18-8stainless steel is to adopt a die clearance which is less than the plate thickness.
防止18 - 8型不锈钢技深件纵向开裂的有效措施之一是在拉深时采用小于板料厚度的凸凹模间隙。
At first, it is verified that the formerly obtained formula for calculating base plate thickness of stilling basin is in good agreement with engineering practices.
At first, it is verified that the formerly obtained formula for calculating base plate thickness of stilling basin is in good agreement with engineering practices.