I talked to the council about the removal of licensing restrictions for Visual Studio that now allows developers to build plug-ins that target any platform.
The Eclipse licensing model allows users to build whatever they want on the platform and re-release it as a unique distribution. (If this interests you, see the Eclipse Public License for details.)
Although it would be beneficial to all if Google were to use Android licensing to further open the market, that likely would have stifled adoption of the platform by handset makers.
Windows: Emulates the Windows 2000 operating system (because of licensing restrictions, this PLAF can only be used under a Windows platform).
Windows:模仿Windows 2000操作系统(由于许可限制,PLAF只能在Windows平台下使用)。
Windows: Emulates the Windows 2000 operating system (because of licensing restrictions, this PLAF can only be used under a Windows platform).
Windows:模仿Windows 2000操作系统(由于许可限制,PLAF只能在Windows平台下使用)。