The COE, apart from having wider scope, powers, and funding, might play an influential role in funding decisions for new projects.
This serves to illustrate the wider problem for the EU.It does not know quite what part to play in a world in which the West is declining and "the rest" are rising.
This serves to illustrate the wider problem for the EU. It does not know quite what part to play in a world in which the West is declining and "the rest" are rising.
They play down the result's wider significance for a country they view as a declining power while predicting that little will change in practice.
But even if the October deal had gone through, harsher moves would have remained in play, both because their aim is to get Iran into wider talks than just those over fuel for its research reactor;
Fedspeak may also play a more significant role than in the past in promoting a weaker dollar and wider US-European yield spreads.
Fedspeak may also play a more significant role than in the past in promoting a weaker dollar and wider US-European yield spreads.